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rexplus 0.1.4
📦 rex-plus (for humans)
Plus version of re
pip install -i https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ --extra-index-url https://pypi.org/simple/ rex-plus
import rex_plus
# 正则替换
# Partial replacement according to regular expression
rex_plus.sub('(限行)灯', ['线型'], '卧室有一盏限行灯')
# output: '卧室有一盏线型灯'
rex_plus.sub('(我是).*(限行)灯', ['卧室', '线型'], '卧室有一盏限行灯')
# output: 卧室有一盏线型灯
rex_plus.sub('(?:卧室)的(限行)灯', ['线型'], '卧室的限行灯')
# output: 卧室的线型灯
rex_plus.sub('(?:(我是)的)(限行)灯', ['卧室', '线型'], '卧室的限行灯')
# output: 卧室的线型灯
# 查询所有匹配项,并返回对应的index和text
rex_plus.search_all(r"\d", "__a1bb2ccc3")
# output: [<rex_plus.Match object; span=(3, 4), text='1'>, <rex_plus.Match object; span=(6, 7), text='2'>, <rex_plus.Match object; span=(10, 11), text='3'>]
To Do
Be the best version of you.
More Resources
rex-plus on github.com
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