rhdzmota-extension-streamlit-webapps 0.6.0

Creator: bradpython12

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rhdzmotaextensionstreamlitwebapps 0.6.0

RHDZMOTA EXT: streamlit_webapps
Package extensions have 2 main purposes:

Split the dependency sets into several smaller python projects
Serve as domain-specific packages (i.e., split functionality).

About the streamlit_webapps extension
The streamlit extension contains some common useful abstractions to be used when working on creating streamlit applications.
The starting abstraction is the PageView class, which provides an "easy to reason about" pattern to follow when working on creating webapps. To get a sneak-peak of the functionality, consider creating a webapp.py script with the following content:
from rhdzmota.ext.streamlit_webapps.page_view import PageView

if __name__ == "__main__":
with PageView() as page:

Run with: `streamlit run webapp.py

With a single import you can have a fully functional streamlit page with content (in this case, a "non implemented" message.
The PageView abstractions allow you to specify the page configuration via class initialization such as:

PageView(page_title="Demo", page_layout="wide", favicon_path="path/to/favicon.png")

You can provide a custom streamlit implementation to a page-view via:

Inline (discouraged) via the PageView.infline class constructor.
Inheritance (recommended) by providing an implementation for the view instance method.

Code Example: Using inheritance to provide a custom streamlit implementation.
import random
import datetime as dt

import streamlit as st

from rhdzmota.ext.streamlit_webapps.page_view import PageView

class WelcomeView(PageView):
def view(self, **kwargs):
st.markdown("# My Custom Webapp")
with st.form(f"form-{self.refname}"):
num_input = int(st.number_input("Num. of Options (input)", min_value=2, step=1))
num_output = int(st.number_input("Num. of Winners", min_value=1, step=1))
exclusive_select = st.checkbox("Exclusive Select")
submitted = st.form_submit_button("Submit")

if not submitted:

values = [f"Option-{i}" for i in range(num_input)]
timestamp = dt.datetime.now().isoformat()
sep = "\n* "
result_prefix = f"Result (TS: {dt.datetime.now().isoformat()}) "
if not exclusive_select:
output = result_prefix + sep + sep.join(random.choices(values, k=num_output))
return st.markdown(output)
output = result_prefix + sep + sep.join(values[:num_output] if num_output < num_input else values)
return st.markdown(output)

if __name__ == "__main__":
with WelcomeView(page_title="Demo", page_layout="wide") as page:

CLI CMD: run_from_file
You can use the cli interface to execute streamlit applications:
$ rhdzmota.ext execute streamlit_webapps --command run_from_file \
--path {{path/to/file.py}}

Use this command when you have a streamlit entrypoint python file.

$ rhdzmota.ext execute streamlit_Webapps --command run_from_refname \
--function_name {{function-name}} \
--module_name {{module_name}}

Use this command when you want to execute a function accessible in your current python runtime.

$ rhdzmota.ext execute streamlit_webapps --command run_from_file \
--path extensions/streamlit_webapps/src/examples/ex1_plain_page_view.py

Linked Installation
Most extensions can be installed indirectly via the main package by providing an extra-dependency tag. Example:
$ pip install 'rhdzmota[ext.streamlit_webapps]'

General pattern: 'rhdzmota[ext.<extension-slug>]'

Standalone Installations
Package extensions can also be installed independently. For example:
$ pip install rhdzmota_extension_streamlit_webapps

General pattern: rhdzmota_extension_<extension-slug>

You can also install them locally:
$ EXT_BUILD_LOCAL=1 pip install -e extensions/streamlit_webapps

General pattern: EXT_BUILD_LOCAL=1 pip install -e path/to/extension


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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