
Creator: coderz1093

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rich text html editor

RichEditor for Flutter is a beautiful Rich Text WYSIWYG Editor for Flutter support Android and iOS. .
Features #
Supported Functions #

✅ Bold
✅ Italic
✅ Subscript
✅ Superscript
✅ Strikethrough
✅ Underline
✅ Justify Left
✅ Justify Center
✅ Justify Right
✅ Blockquote
✅ Heading 1
✅ Heading 2
✅ Heading 3
✅ Heading 4
✅ Heading 5
✅ Heading 6
✅ Undo
✅ Redo
✅ Indent
✅ Outdent
✅ Insert Image
✅ Insert Youtube
✅ Insert Video
✅ Insert Audio
✅ Insert Link
✅ Unordered List (Bullets)
✅ Ordered List (Numbers)

Attribute change of editor #

✅ Text Color
✅ Placeholder
✅ State Callback


❌ Checkbox
❌ Text Background Color
❌ Text Font Size
❌ Font Family


Getting started #
This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit flutter pub get):
rich_text_html_editor: ^1.0.2
copied to clipboard
Usage #
See examples in /example folder.
import 'package:rich_text_html_editor/rich_editor.dart';
copied to clipboard


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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