robotframework-humanitec 0.1.1

Creator: bradpython12

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robotframeworkhumanitec 0.1.1

Demo library for Humanitec API. Keyword Documentation
State: Alpha
There are not many keywords implemented, yet, as this is a demo right now. I am undecided whether to use auto generated swagger client or rely entirely on handmade REST calls based on requests module.
pip install robotframework-humanitec

See demo.robot. The demo uses Humanitec library as well as score-humanitec commandline tool.
Environment Variables
You will need:

environment variable HUMANITEC_TOKEN with value of a valid API token from your Humanitec organisation
environment variable HUMANITEC_ORG_ID with value of id from your Humanitec organisation

Openapi specifications and generated clients are not perfect. Generators contain bugs, specifications are not deterministic. Here you may find support:
Change Requests
Open an Issue
If you require changes (either new feature of a bugfix) best choice us opening an issue at this project. You do require a Gitlab account, though.
Direct Contact
This is an open source project built around specific use cases. If your use case is not covered and your issue is not prioritized fast enough, you can make direct contact. Sponsoring will definitely prioritize your ticket.
Your email won't be published automatically at the issue board and remains confidential (as confidential as Gmail permits).

This project is published under EUPL 1.2


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