
Creator: coderz1093

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rocket model

RocketModel #
RocketModel get data from RocketClient & Show it with RocketView
An abstract class that defines the behavior of a model object in Flutter.
A model object is a class that represents data and provides methods for managing and updating that data. The data can be stored in various forms (e.g. in-memory, in a database, or on a server) and can be accessed and manipulated through the model object's public methods.
Features #

Provides a base class for creating model objects in Flutter.
Allows you to define the behavior of model objects in a consistent and predictable way.
Implements the RocketListenable mixin, which allows you to notify listeners when the model changes.
Includes methods for managing and updating data, such as adding and deleting items.
Provides hooks for handling data loading and error handling.

Getting Started #
To use RocketModel in your Flutter app, you'll need to import the rocket_listenable and rocket_exception packages. You can then create a new class that extends RocketModel and define the behavior of your model object in that class.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:rocket_listenable/rocket_listenable.dart';

import 'constants.dart';

import 'rocket_exception.dart';

abstract class RocketModel<T> extends RocketListenable {
// ...
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Once you've created your RocketModel subclass, you can use it to manage and update data in your app. For example, you might use a model object to manage a list of items that you want to display in a view.
class MyItem {
final String name;
final String description;

MyItem({required, required this.description});

class MyModel extends RocketModel<MyItem> {
MyModel() {
// Load data from a server or database...

void fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json, {bool isSub = false}) {
// Deserialize data from a JSON map...

Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
// Serialize data to a JSON map...
return {};

class MyView extends StatelessWidget {
final MyModel model = MyModel();

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ListView.builder(
itemCount: model.all?.length ?? 0,
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
final item = model.all![index];
return ListTile(
title: Text(,
subtitle: Text(item.description),
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API Documentation #
RocketModel #
An abstract class that defines the behavior of a model object.

instance: The dynamic instance of the model.
_loadingChecker: A flag indicating whether the model is currently loading data.
existData: A flag indicating whether the model contains any data.
exception: An exception object that represents any errors that occur during data loading or manipulation.
all: A list of all data objects of type T.
_state: The current state of the model.


setException(RocketException exception): Sets the exception object with the given exception.
delItem(int index): Deletes the data object at the specified index.
addItem(T newModel): Adds a new data object.
_mapToInstance(e): Maps the given data to an instance of the model.
setMulti(List data): Sets the model's data to the given list of data.
fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json, {bool isSub = false}): Deserializes the model's data from the given JSON map.
toJson(): Serializes the model's data to a JSON map.
rebuildWidget({bool fromUpdate = false}): Notifies listeners that the model has changed and needs to be rebuilt.

RocketState #
An enum that represents the possible states of a RocketModel object.

loading: The model is currently loading data.
done: The model has finished loading data and contains valid data.
failed: An error occurred while loading or manipulating data.

Usage #
import 'package:flutter_rocket/flutter_rocket.dart';

const String postUserIdField = "userId";
const String postIdField = "id";
const String postTitleField = "title";
const String postBodyField = "body";

class Post extends RocketModel<Post> {
int? userId;
int? id;
String? title;
String? body;
// disable logs debugging
bool get enableDebug => false;

void fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json, {bool isSub = false}) {
userId = json[postUserIdField];
id = json[postIdField];
title = json[postTitleField];
body = json[postBodyField];
super.fromJson(json, isSub: isSub);

void updateFields({
int? userIdField,
int? idField,
String? titleField,
String? bodyField,
}) {
userId = userIdField ?? userId;
id = idField ?? id;
title = titleField ?? title;
body = bodyField ?? body;
rebuildWidget(fromUpdate: true);

Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = {};
data[postUserIdField] = userId;
data[postIdField] = id;
data[postTitleField] = title;
data[postBodyField] = body;

return data;

get instance => Post();

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