
Creator: coderz1093

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rocket view

RocketView #
Rocket Model is a Flutter package that provides a way to manage the state of your data using a RocketModel object and display that data in a widget tree using a RocketView widget. The RocketView widget automatically handles the different states of the data (loading, done, and failed) and provides an easy way to fetch and reload data.
Usage #
Here's an example of how to use RocketView:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:rocket_view/rocket_view.dart';
import 'package:example/models/todo.dart';

class TodoList extends StatelessWidget {
final todoModel = Rocket.add(Todos(), readOnly: true);

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return RocketView(
model: todoModel,
call: () => GetTodos.getTodos(todoModel),
onLoading: () {
return const Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator(
onError: (error, reload) => Text('Error: ${error.exception}'),
callType: CallType.callIfModelEmpty,
builder: (context, state) {
return ListView.builder(
itemCount: todoModel.all!.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
final todo = todoModel.all![index];
return CheckboxListTile(
value: todo.completed,
title: Text(todo.title!),
onChanged: (value) {
todo.updateFields(completedField: value);
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In this example, TodoList is a Flutter widget that displays a list of Todo items using a RocketView widget and the Todos model object. The call method fetches Todo data using the GetTodos static method, and the builder method displays a CheckboxListTile widget for each Todo item. The onChanged callback updates the completed field of the Todo item when the checkbox is clicked.
RocketModel #
The RocketModel class is a base class for model objects that are used with RocketView. It provides methods for updating and serializing the model object, and handles widget rebuilding when the model object is updated.
Here's an example of the Todos class generated from rocket2dart:
class Todos extends RocketModel<Todos> {
int? userId;
int? id;
String? title;
bool? completed;


void fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json, {bool isSub = false}) {
userId = json[todosUserIdField];
id = json[todosIdField];
title = json[todosTitleField];
completed = json[todosCompletedField];
super.fromJson(json, isSub: isSub);

void updateFields({
int? userIdField,
int? idField,
String? titleField,
bool? completedField,
}) {
userId = userIdField ?? userId;
id = idField ?? id;
title = titleField ?? title;
completed = completedField ?? completed;
rebuildWidget(fromUpdate: true);

Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = {};
data[todosUserIdField] = userId;
data[todosIdField] = id;
data[todosTitleField] = title;
data[todosCompletedField] = completed;

return data;

get instance => Todos();
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In this example, the Todos class is a RocketModel object that has four fields (userId, id, title, and completed). It provides methods for updating the fields and serializing the Todo item.
Conclusion #
The RocketView package provides an easy way to display a model object using a builder function. It handles loading and error states, and rebuilds the widget when the model object is updated. The RocketModel class provides a base class for model objects that are used with RocketView, and provides methods for updating and serializing the model object.


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