rofi-tmuxp 0.5.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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rofitmuxp 0.5.0

Use Rofi to launch tmuxp sessions.

$ pip install rofi-tmuxp

The rofi-tmuxp script uses the tmuxp python API to find your tmuxp
session config files. This means that you should install it in the same Python
environment as tmuxp.

Without any command-line arguments, rofi-tmuxp will print out a list of
tmuxp session names to standard output. If a session name is passed as an
argument, it will attempt to launch that session in a new terminal.
To use with rofi, you will need to add rofi-tmuxp as a “script” mode to
you rofi config file. E.g.
configuration {
/* Enable run and tmuxp modes */
modi: "run,tmuxp:rofi-tmuxp";
Then you can run rofi like:
rofi -show tmuxp

Copyright (c) Heinrich Kruger. Distributed under the MIT license.


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