rosie 1.5.0

Creator: bradpython12

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rosie 1.5.0

Rosie installation (see

Rosie and the Rosie Pattern Language (RPL)
RPL expressions are patterns for matching text, similar to regex but
more powerful. You can use RPL for text pattern matching the way you
might use PCRE or regex in Perl, Python, or Java. Unlike regex, RPL
is readable and maintainable, and packages of rpl are easily shared.
The Rosie project provides a library so you can use RPL from a variety
of programming languages. We also provide an interactive read-eval-
print loop for pattern development and debugging, and an RPL compiler.
The Rosie matching engine is very small and reasonably fast.

Rosie’s home page:

The repository of record for the Rosie project is located at:

Open issues are at:

Before opening an issue with a bug report or an enhancement request,
please check the current open issues.


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