rougek 0.1.5

Creator: bradpython12

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rougek 0.1.5

Run extraction
Give an input file contains summarization data samples and a path to save extracted keywords.
Input data needs to be in jsonline format, each line is a dictionaly containing one data sample.
Each sample in input files need three information, (1) source (List[str]): List of sentences in source document, (2) target (List[str]): List of reference summaries, it can be a list with just one element (one sentence) if there is only one reference summary in your dataset, (3) title (str): title of the source documents.
There is a sample data in ./tests/sample.jsonl
rougek extract sample.jsonl output.jsonl

Resulting data (output.jsonl in the example above) is also a jsonline file, each line contains a list of keywords (List[str]) for one data sample.
Run evaluation
From python
You can evaluate your summaries by ROUGE-K in your python scripts as follows:
from rougek import RougeK

rk = RougeK()
hypo = "This is a generated summary."
kws = ["summary"]

result = rk(hypo, kws)
print(f"ROUGE-K: {result}.")

From CLI
Of course, this package gives you an option as a CLI command so that you don't need to touch any python scripts.
By running the following command, you get an avg of ROUGE-K scores for your summaries.
> rougek evaluate /path/to/target.hypo /path/to/kws.jsonl

You can also evaluate multiple .hypo files in a directory by following,
> rougek evaluate_dir /dir/with/hypofiles /path/to/kws.jsonl

target hypo files need to have an extension of .hypo to be considered.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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