
Creator: coderz1093

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route map

Route Map #
Generate route paths map for Flutter Navigator 2 using annotation.

README Translation #


Table of Contents #

Route Map

README Translation
Table of Contents
Run the generator
Problems with the generation?
Support the Library

Tutorial #

Bottom navigation bar

Installation #
# add route_map to your dependencies

# add the generator to your dev_dependencies
# add build runner if not already added
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Setup #

First, define Route Generator with RouteMapInit annotation.

import 'route_map.config.dart';

Route? onGenerateRoute(RouteSettings routeSettings) => $onGenerateRoute(routeSettings);
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Redirection changes the location to a new one based on application state. For example, redirection can be used to display a sign-in screen if the user is not logged in.

import 'route_map.config.dart';

Route? onGenerateRoute(RouteSettings routeSettings) => $onGenerateRoute(routeSettings,redirect:(path){
bool isLogin = false;
if(isLogin && RouteMaps.homePage == path){
return RouteMap.login;
return null;
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Define the route builder in the MaterialApp widget

initialRoute: RouteMaps.splash, // defining the initial page
onGenerateRoute: onGenerateRoute
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Annotate your pages with @RouteMap and let the generator do the work.

Note: Use "/" to specify the root directory. To create a root-independent page, there must be no "/" at the beginning.

@RouteMap(name: "splash")
class SplashPage extends StatefulWidget {}

@RouteMap(name: "/")
class HomePage extends StatefulWidget {}

@RouteMap(name: "/search", fullScreenDialog: true)
class SearchPage extends StatefulWidget {}

@RouteMap(name: "/detail", path:"/detail/:id/:name")
class DetailPage extends StatefulWidget {}
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You can take advantage of the class object to be redirected when passing data between pages. You can use all the functions of the standart Navigator class.

DetailPageRoute(id: "0",name: "push").push(context);

DetailPageRoute(id: "0",name: "push").popAndPush(context);
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Redirection between pages using standart Navigator class

The arguments field can be used to send values during routing.

.pushNamed(RouteMaps.detailPage, arguments: "value");

.pushNamed(RouteMaps.detailPage, arguments: {"val1":"Easy","val2":"Route"});
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Reading the values with routeArgs() passed from previous screen via Navigator.

String value = context.routeArgs();

String val1 = context.routeArgs()["val1"];

String val2 = context.routeArgs()["val2"];

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@RouteMapArg() attribute should be used for custom model.

class CustomModel {
String name;
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Customized builder is available. For example, you might want to wrap your page with ChangeNotifierProvider.

Widget homeBuilder(Widget child) {
return ChangeNotifierProvider(
create: (_) => HomeViewModel(),
child: child,

@RouteMap(name: "home", builder: homeBuilder)
class HomePage extends StatefulWidget {
const HomePage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

State<HomePage> createState() => _HomePageState();

class _HomePageState extends State<HomePage> {
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I need help. #
URL-based page redirection is still experimental. There are issues regarding type conversions, and it hasn't been thoroughly tested yet.
I need assistance with type conversions in URL-based page redirection. It supports int, double, string, and bool.
Run the generator #
Use the [watch] flag to watch the files' system for edits and rebuild as necessary.
flutter packages pub run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs
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if you want the generator to run one time and exits use
flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
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Problems with the generation? #
Make sure you always Save your files before running the generator, if that does not work you can always try to clean and rebuild.
flutter packages pub run build_runner clean
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Support the Library #

You can support the library by staring it on Github && liking it on or report any bugs you encounter.
Also, if you have a suggestion or think something can be implemented in a better way, open an issue and let's talk about it.


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