rov-collector 1.1.11

Creator: bradpython12

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rovcollector 1.1.11

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Package Description
This package downloads ROV data from a variety of sources and aggregates this information.
This is useful for simulations where you want to run mixed deployment scenarios
See the citations and explanations for all sources in the Credits
When the collectors are run, they output results into a JSON object.
This JSON is a dict where the key is ASN and the value is a list of ROVInfo objects
The results of a run from Nov 30 2023 can be seen here. Additionally, from the "Friends" paper, it's important to note that category 4 and category 5 ASes are not considered as ROV adopting, but are included in the graph for clarity.



from a script:
from pathlib import Path

from rov_collector import rov_collector_classes

def main():
json_path: Path = Path.home() / "Desktop" / "rov_info.json"
# Clear out old files, since by default the collectors append
for CollectorCls in rov_collector_classes:
# For some reason mypy is freaking out about the instantiation here
CollectorCls(json_path=json_path).run() # type: ignore

if __name__ == "__main__":

From the command line:



Install python and pip if you have not already.
Then run:
pip3 install pip --upgrade
pip3 install wheel

For production:
pip3 install rov_collector

This will install the package and all of it's python dependencies.
If you want to install the project for development:
git clone
cd rov_collector
pip3 install -e .[test]
pre-commit install

To test the development package: Testing


To test the package after installation:
cd rov_collector
pytest rov_collector
ruff check rov_collector
ruff format rov_collector
mypy rov_collector

If you want to run it across multiple environments:
cd rov_collector
tox --skip-missing-interpreters



Revisiting RPKI Route Origin Validation on the Data Plane
We recieved the data source from this paper through email from from Mar 22, 2022 from Matthias Waehlisch
When the CSV says strong confidence, this indicates that it is 1 hop from PEERING.
When the CSV days weak confidence, that indicates that is 2+ hops from PEERING
Paper URL: URL
Paper data sources: github
title = {Revisiting RPKI Route Origin Validation on the Data Plane},
author = {Nils Rodday and Ítalo S. Cunha and Randy Bush and Ethan Katz-Bassett and Gabi Dreo Rodosek and Thomas C. Schmidt and Matthias Wählisch},
year = {2021},
url = {},
researchr = {},
cites = {0},
citedby = {0},
booktitle = {5th Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference, TMA 2021, Virtual Event, September 14-15, 2021},
editor = {Vaibhav Bajpai and Hamed Haddadi and Oliver Hohlfeld},
publisher = {IFIP},
isbn = {978-3-903176-40-9},

Github links:

emailed CSV

This site by cloudflare allows you to test your ISP for ROV safety and stores this info.
They also defined whether it filters all ASes or only peers
Paper URL: URL
Paper data sources: github
title = {Is BGP Safe Yet?},
author = {Cloudflare},
url = {},
year = {2023},

Github links:


Measuring RPKI Route Origin Validation Deployment
At the time of publication this was one of the largest data sources for ROV ASes.
They also had a nice website listing out all the ROV AS data.
The website was last updated in 2020, so I'm not worried about a live feed.
Instead I've just right clicked inspect on their page using google chrome,
then clicked on the network tab,
reloaded the page,
and clicked on the asn query,
and then clicked on response,
and copy pasted this locally.
I've checked that it's the same as the page.
Paper URL: URL
Paper data sources: github, website
title={Towards a rigorous methodology for measuring adoption of rpki route validation and filtering},
author={Reuter, Andreas and Bush, Randy and Cunha, It{^a}lo and Katz-Bassett, Ethan and Schmidt, Thomas C and W{"a}hlisch, Matthias},
journal={ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review},

Github links:

emailed CSV

Keep your friends close, but your routeservers closer: Insights into RPKI validation in the internet
This paper describes a new way to obtain ROV AS information and shows a drastic increase in ROV adoption, almost 27% adoption
Paper URL: URL
Paper data sources: github
author = {Hlavacek, Tomas and Shulman, Haya and Vogel, Niklas and Waidner, Michael},
title = {Keep Your Friends Close, but Your Routeservers Closer: Insights into RPKI Validation in the Internet},
year = {2023},
isbn = {978-1-939133-37-3},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
address = {USA},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 32nd USENIX Conference on Security Symposium},
articleno = {271},
numpages = {18},
location = {Anaheim, CA, USA},
series = {SEC '23}

Also adding another bibtex for a poster presentation about this topic by the same authors that seems to be a subset of this work:
author = {Shulman, Haya and Vogel, Niklas and Waidner, Michael},
title = {Poster: Insights into Global Deployment of RPKI Validation},
year = {2022},
isbn = {9781450394505},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3548606.3563523},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security},
pages = {3467–3469},
numpages = {3},
keywords = {rpki, prefix hijacks, bgp},
location = {Los Angeles, CA, USA},
series = {CCS '22}

And adding another bibtex here that cites this work as showing 37.8% adoption. I don't think that number is correct, but it does cite it:
(I couldn't find the bibtex, but the paper is "The CURE to Vulnerabilities in RPKI Validation", led by Donika Mirdita, Haya Shulman, etc)

Github links: Collector, data
It's just a dropbox, and additionally, the README said that results and reproduction steps would be later published, not sure if they just forgot about this?
I am able to run the code after some extra steps, which does take a long time to run. The resulting dataset is stored in the data/friends.json file. It's important to note that this was with 8.95% network errors (I believe their paper had some of these as well) and this took place Nov 30 2023.
This paper references a website with a list of ROV ASes, including an API! Super helpful
Paper URL: Not linked, will be published IMC 2023
Paper data sources: github, website
author = {Weitong Li and Zhexiao Lin and Mohammad Ishtiaq Ashiq Khan and Emile Aben and Romain Fontugne and Amreesh Phokeer and Taejoong Chung},
title = {{RoVista: Measuring and Understanding the Route Origin Validation (ROV) in RPKI}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC'23)},
address = {Montreal, Canada},
month = {October},
year = {2023}

Github links:

I don't think this even has a paper, it's just a website detailing ROV measurements
Paper URL: Doesn't appear to have a paper
Paper data sources: doesn't appear to have a github, website

author={APNIC Labs},

Github links:




1.1.11 Fixed an issue in pyproject.toml resulting in improper installs when done non-locally

1.1.10 README updates, tox updates

1.1.9 Dependency and linter updates, README updates, support for many OSes

1.1.8 Dependency updates

1.1.7 README update, and update to the script to put tier-1 instead of input_clique

1.1.6 Updated tier graph script (outside of the repo)

1.1.5 Added a top level import for the enums

1.1.4 Fixed a typo in the MANIFEST.IN file that resulted in the data directly not being included in source distributions

1.1.3 Updated versions and dependencies



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Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
Test it
Run tox
Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
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Email me at if it's been a while and I haven't seen it



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