rpi-doorman-gammu 0.1.0

Creator: bradpython12

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rpidoormangammu 0.1.0

RPi.Doorman Gammu#################Door state monitor, with ability to make a phone call completely written in Python... image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/rpi-doorman-gammu.png :target: http://badge.fury.io/py/rpi-doorman-gammuThis is just and extension for RPi.Doorman project to support python-gammu. With aditional dependencies this project allows to make a phone calls when sensor state changes.For more information check `rpi-doorman <https://github.com/ricco386/rpi-doorman/>`_ project.Installation------------- Install the latest released version using pip:: pip install https://github.com/ricco386/rpi-doorman-gammu/zipball/master- Make sure all dependencies (listed below) are installed (done automatically when installing via pip)- The ``rpi-doorman-gammu`` command should be installed somewhere in your ``PATH``.- Systemd scripts are available: https://github.com/ricco386/rpi-doorman-gammu/tree/master/init.dSystemd scripts should be run under **default Raspberry Pi user** (pi) so scripts can access GPIO. **Dependencies:**- `RPi.GPIO <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/RPi.GPIO>`_ (0.6.1+)- `rpi-doorman <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/rpi-doorman>`_ (1.1+)- `gammu <https://github.com/gammu/gammu>`_ and `python-gammu <https://github.com/gammu/python-gammu>`_ (``sudo apt-get install gammu python-gammu``)License-------For more information see the `LICENSE <https://github.com/ricco386/rpi-doorman-gammu/blob/master/LICENSE>`_ file.


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