
Creator: coderz1093

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rq network flutter

rq_network_flutter: Flutter Network API Layer #
A simple and easy-to-use network API layer for Flutter applications.
This package, rq_network_flutter, provides a clean and concise API for making network requests and handling responses in your Flutter projects. With minimal code, you can easily send requests, parse responses, and handle errors.
Note: This package is still under development, and its features and documentation are continuously evolving.
Features #

Simple API: Make GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests with a single line of code.
Automatic JSON serialization: Automatically convert objects to and from JSON.
Error handling: Gracefully handle network and response errors.
Interceptors: Intercept requests and responses for custom behavior.
Cancellable requests: Stop ongoing network requests.
Built-in progress tracking: Monitor the progress of network requests.
Offline support: (Coming soon) Cache responses for offline use.

Getting Started #
1. Add the package:
Open your pubspec.yaml file and add the following line under the dependencies section:
rq_network_flutter: ^latest
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