rupantar 0.9.5a0

Creator: bradpython12

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rupantar 0.9.5a0

No-frills website generation, powered by Python

/ɾuːpɑnˈtɔɾ/ (Bengali)

Table of Contents 🚩

Project Structure


Description :ear_of_rice:
Fork of pidgeotto
Rupantar is a command-line tool that enables quick generation of simple, minimally themed, static websites with extensive support for customizations.
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Dependencies :bridge_at_night:
Rupantar has the following dependencies:

PyYAML: Config and setting page metadata
tomli: Config and setting page metadata, not required if running Python 3.11 (or above)
jinja2: Templating engine used to render the HTML/XML pages
markdown2: Reading Markdown files
xdg-base-dirs: App-runtime data storage location as per XDG Base Dir spec

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Installation :coconut:

Rupantar needs Python installed locally.

CPython version compatibility: needs Python interpreter (version 3.10 or higher)

pip, Python's default package management tool, can be used for either of the methods.

Installation from source:

Install Git
Clone this git repository
cd into the rupantar directory

$ pip install -r requirements

Direct installation using Git:

$ pip install git+

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Usage :crab:

NB: Rupantar is a pure CLI tool, without any GUI.

To get a comprehensive list of commands and flags:
$ rupantar -h

To initiate a project ( say for example notun):
$ rupantar init notun

NB: Some generic questions will be asked running this command in order to set up some configuration values.
To avoid this, pass the -s or --skip flag after init.

To add a new post/page (say for example kagoch, to the existing notun):
$ rupantar new notun kagoch

To build the static pages (for notun):
$ rupantar build notun

To preview the website locally:
$ rupantar serve notun

Useful for quick and simple testing via a local HTTP web server.

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Project Structure :fork_and_knife:
The overall skeleton of a fully built & ready-to-serve rupantar project looks something like:
├── config.yml <-- Config for the page title, CSS file, and other custom config (custom templates, etc.)
├── content/ <-- Directory to store Markdown files.
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └── notes/ <-- Directory to store Markdown files for content of extra pages.
│ └──
└──static/ <-- Directory to store static content eg: CSS, images, etc.
│ └── demo.css
├── public/ <-- Directory to store generated static files.
└── templates/ <-- Directory to store Jinja2 layouts for the pages.
├── home_template.html
├── note_template.html
└── feed_template.xml

Rupantar itself is developed with a "src layout" so as to follow a more standardized and organized way of managing everything. To read more about that, click here.
A :construction: roadmap of this Python project can be found here.
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Development & Configuration :plate_with_cutlery:

It is recommended to use Poetry for better dependency management, packaging, and release.

A big reason is the ease in managing virtual environments.
Why consider venvs in the first place? Well you get an isolated environment, better reproducibility, better dependency management, and (most importantly!) minimize risk of any conflicts with other existing Python projects/dependencies locally on the system. Especially if they were installed globally system-wide using pip.
Just overall makes the development process more smoother.

After forking and cloning the repository:

Navigate to the cloned project directory.
Install all the dependencies, including the optional ones:
$ poetry install --with=dev,test,docu

Activate a virtual env:
$ poetry shell

Run rupantar:
$ python src/rupantar/ -h

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Contributing :scroll:
This is an open source project. Suggestions, bug reports, feature requests, documentation improvements, etc. are more than welcome through Pull Requests (PRs) and Issues.
The usual steps for contributing via a PR are:

Fork this repository to your own GitHub account

Clone the repository to your machine

$ git clone

cd to where you cloned the repo and create a local git branch

$ git checkout -b new-feature-branch

Make your changes and commit them to that branch

$ git commit -m "brief description about changes"

Push your changes to your remote fork

$ git push origin new-feature-branch

Create a new Pull Request!

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License :bookmark:
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
tldr is that rupantar is Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)!
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Similar Projects :goat:

pidgeotto - Primary inspiration for this project.
Pelican - Python-based
Jekyll - Ruby-based
Hugo - Go-based
Zola - Rust-based
Eleventy - JavaScript-based alternative to Jekyll
Some more Python-based static site generators can be found here.

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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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