salt-nornir 0.21.0

Creator: bradpython12

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saltnornir 0.21.0

Salt Nornir
Nornir centered SaltStack modules:

salt-nornir proxy minion module
salt-nornir execution module
salt-nornir state module
salt-nornir runner module
salt-nornir Netbox pillar module

Nornir Proxy Minion helps to manage network devices at scale, refer to
for details.
Python and Plugins.

Nornir Proxy acts as a bridge between SaltStack and a wide set of open
source network automation libraries.

CLI management of devices over SSH or Telnet using Netmiko, Scrapli, Cisco Genie/PyATS or NAPALM
NETCONF management of network devices using Ncclient or Scrapli-Netconf
HTTP API/RESTCONF interact with devices using Python requests library
gNMI device management supported thanks to integration with PyGNMI library
SNMPv1/2/3 support to manage device using puresnmp library
Data Processing using NTC-Templates, TTP, Jmespath, lxml, xmltodict libraries
Network Testing of state and configuration via SSH, Netconf, gNMI, HTTP or SNMP
Python is a first class citizen - write plugins, modules, scripts, codify work flows
API integrate with anything using SaltStack and Nornir Python API or SaltStack HTTP API
Netbox Source of Truth inventory integration for infrastructure management

Communication and discussion
Network To Code salt-nornir Slack Channel
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Issues, bug reports and feature requests are welcomed. Feedback is a gift and we truly value it.
Developers Motto

if it is not in the docs it does not exist
if it is not tested it is broken
done is better than perfect
keep it stupid simple

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