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samba server

Samba Server #
Blazing-ly fast & highly optimized backend development framework for developing Api's & Event-Driven WebSocket's which written completely in Dart.
Quickstart #
import 'dart:async';

import 'package:samba_server/samba_server.dart';

class ChatSocketRoute extends WebSocketRoute {
FutureOr<void> onConnected(WebSocket webSocket) {
throw UnimplementedError();

class HelloRoute extends Route {
HelloRoute() : super(HttpMethod.get, '/');

FutureOr<Response> handler(Request request) {
return Response.ok(body: 'Hello from SAMBA_SERVER');

Future<void> main() async {
final httpServer = HttpServer();
await httpServer.bind(address: '', port: 8080);
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Features #

Focus on blazing fast speed & performance
Robust routing based on Radix Trie.
Event-Driven WebSockets with Rooms support.
Intercept any request or response for pre or post processing.
Graceful error handling.
Super-high test coverage.

Installation #

This is a Dart package available through the
package repository.
Before installing, download and setup Dart SDK. Dart SDK 3.0.0 or
higher is required.
Installation is done using the dart pub add command

dart pub add samba_server
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Running Tests #
To run the test suite, first install the dependencies, then run test suite.
-j 1 is mandatory in the test command. Without that all tests will run in parallel which forces
some tests to fail because all tests were using same port for binding the server.
dart pub get
dart test -j 1
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Authors #
The original author & lead maintainer of Samba Server
is @tejHackerDev
Index #


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
Request Headers
Request Body
Request Decoders


Response Headers
Response Body
Response Encoders


Static Routes
Parametric Routes

Non-Regex Routes
Regex Routes

Wildcard Routes
PathParameters Priority


WebSocket Route


Interceptor Levels

Global Level Interceptors
Route Level Interceptors

Interceptors Priority


Supported Methods
Register Route
Register interceptors
Error Handling

Request #
This is an wrapper around the HttpRequest class of dart:io package. Basically this class
contains the necessary information about the incoming request that comes to the server for handling.
Path Parameters #
This is an type of Map<String, String> where the key is the name of the dynamic pathParameter
that is given at the time of route registration & value is the one that is passed in-place of the
dynamic pathParameter at the run-time. Check routes section for more understanding.
Query Parameters #
This is an type of Map<String, dynamic> where the key is the name that is passed in the request
& value is the data passed in the request for the respective key.
Basically value is of type dynamic but to be precise it will be either String
or List<String>. It will be String if only one value is passed for the respective key, if more
that one value is passed for the same key then it will List<String>.
Request Headers #
This is an type of Map<String, String> where the key is the name of the header & value is the
data passed for the name. If multiple values for passed for the same key then they will be joined
with a comma , & finally converted to the String.
Request Body #
This is an type of dynamic. By default this value may be of null if nothing is passed in
request body else if any is passed then it will be of type Stream<Uint8List> unless converted by
any request decoders.
So before accessing this value, it is advised to check its type for safer code.
Request Decoders #
This is an custom interceptor class which can be used to decode the body based on
the content-type present in the headers. Also by default it will only decode the body if it is
of type Stream<Uint8List>.
By default Samba Server ships with some default request decoders as mentioned below


In an order to create any other or custom request decoder, one should extends
the RequestDecoder<T> class. As we can see the class is taking an generic type T, so one should
replace that generic type to the actual type, which is basically the output they are looking to
generate for the body parameter by that decoder. Based on the type passed one should override the
required methods to achieve that effect.
So let say if we want the body to be decoded as String we should extends the class
as RequestDecoder<String> & implement required methods. Finally add it as
a interceptor for the whole http-server or for
individual Route.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'dart:typed_data';

import 'package:samba_server/samba_server.dart';

class StringRequestDecoder extends RequestDecoder<String> {
const StringRequestDecoder()
: super(
// by default all decoders will try to decode
// all requests who's content-type value present in
// header starts with one specified here.
// If we don't want that behaviour, then one should
// override the `canDecode` function where we basically
// return `true` or `false` based on the content-type passed.
contentType: 'text/',

// by default the encoding will be detected based on value
// passed in the content-type, if no encoding is passed in the
// content-type then this value will be used for the decoding purpose
fallbackEncoding: utf8,

FutureOr<String> decode(io.ContentType contentType,
Encoding encoding,
Stream<Uint8List> stream,) async {
// Actual logic to convert the `stream` into our desired type.
// This will only gets invoked if `canDecode` function returns `true`.
return encoding.decoder.bind(stream).join();
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Response #
This is an wrapper around the HttpResponse class of dart:io package. Basically this class
contains the necessary information about the outgoing data for an particular request.
There are several named constructors to create this class like ok, created, notFound etc.,
but you can use the default constructor to create your own instance with your specified values.
Response Headers #
This is an type of Map<String, String> where the key is the name of the header & value is the
data passed for the name. If multiple values should be passed for the same key then join with a
comma ,.
Response Body #
This is an type of Object?. By default this value will be null if nothing is passed in
response body & if its null then empty body will be sent along with the response.
Response Encoders #
This is an custom interceptor class which can be used to encode the body
to String based on the type of value. Also by default it will only encode the body if
the content-type is not already set in the response headers. This is to prevent for not calling
multiple encoders to encode the same value again & again.
By default Samba Server ships with some default request encoders as mentioned below


In an order to create any other or custom response encoder, one should extends
the ResponseDecoder<T> class. As we can see the class is taking an generic type T, so one should
replace that generic type to the actual type, which is basically the input they are looking to
convert by that encoder. Based on the type passed one should override the required methods to
achieve that effect.
So let say if we want the body to be encode from String we should extends the class
as ResponseDecoder<String> & implement required methods. Finally add it as
a interceptor for the whole http-server or for
individual Route.
import 'dart:async';

import 'package:samba_server/samba_server.dart';

class StringResponseEncoder extends ResponseEncoder<String> {
const StringResponseEncoder()
: super(
// What ever value that is passed here will be
// set as the `content-type` in the headers of the
// response which is encoder by `this` encoder.
contentType: 'text/plain',

FutureOr<String> encode(String value) {
// Actual logic to convert the `value` into the String.
// This will only gets invoked if `canEncode` func`tion returns `true`.
// In this example there is no much computation happening
// because the `value` which we are trying to convert is already
// as string, so we are returning it simply.
return value;
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Routes #
In order to create a route for the http-server one should extends a class
with Route class & should register it to the server. Should also needs to
specify the HttpMethod & path for the route, which is later on used for matching criteria.
Every route should implement the handlerfunction which should returns an Response
which can later of sent as a response for the request for which this route is invoked.
One can add interceptors to a route by overriding the interceptors function &
these interceptors will be invoked only if the route is selected as the matched one.
Unlike interceptors state should not stored in a route because, you can imagine
the Route as a singleton class, so storing
state in it results in side effects such as other request state may be used in some other requests (
which in general no one wills to happen).
Samba Server supports three types of routes as mentioned below. But we can also write a path by
combining all types in a single path.
Static Routes #
These are the routes where there will be no dynamic parameters present in the path.
import 'package:samba_server/samba_server.dart';

class GetUsersRoute extends Route {
GetUsersRoute() : super(HttpMethod.get, '/users');

FutureOr<Response> handler(Request request) {
return Response.ok(body: 'Users');
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Matchable Path
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Some Non-Matchable Paths
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Parametric Routes #
These are the routes that contains some dynamic pathParameters in the path. An dynamic pathParameter
can be defined in a path by wrapping that path inside flower brackets {}.
So when any incoming path is matched with the route then the value present in-place of dynamic
pathParameter will come as a value under the key which is the name that is given at the time of
registration (See the examples below for more clarification). That is the reason there should not be
two pathParameter with the same name inside a single path, as they key will be overridden while
decoding the path.
These routes are divided into two types of routes as mentioned below. But we can also write a path
by combining both types in a single path.
Non-RegExp Routes
These are the routes which doesn't contain any RegExp in the dynamic pathParameter.
import 'package:samba_server/samba_server.dart';

class GetUserRoute extends Route {
GetUserRoute() : super(HttpMethod.get, '/users/{id}');

FutureOr<Response> handler(Request request) {
final userId = request.pathParameters['id'];
return Response.ok(body: userId);
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As per the above example in-place of id anything can be passed & that value can be read from
the request parameter.
Some Matchable Paths
/users/1234 -> 1234
/users/someRandomId -> someRandomId
/users/1234_id -> 1234_id
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Some Non-Matchable Paths
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RegExp Routes
These are the routes which contains a RegExp in the dynamic pathParameter which is separated by
colon : from the pathParameter name.
import 'package:samba_server/samba_server.dart';

class GetUserRoute extends Route {
GetUserRoute() : super(HttpMethod.get, '/users/{id:^[a-z]+\$}');

FutureOr<Response> handler(Request request) {
final userId = request.pathParameters['id'];
return Response.ok(body: userId);
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As per the above example in-place of id only lower-case alphabet values can be passed because
RegExp ^[a-z]+\$ only accepts them & that value can be read from the request parameter.
Some Matchable Paths
/users/a -> a
/users/somerandomid -> somerandomid
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Some Non-Matchable Paths
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Wildcard Routes #
These are the routes which ends with a * in the path.
As mentioned a path can contain * but it should be the last pathParameter. Containing any
pathParameter after * will ends in throwing an error as it is not supported.
So when any incoming path is matched with the route then the remainingPath present in-place of
wildcard pathParameter will come as a value under the key * (See the examples below for more
import 'package:samba_server/samba_server.dart';

class UsersWildcardRoute extends Route {
UsersWildcardRoute() : super(HttpMethod.get, '/users/*');

FutureOr<Response> handler(Request request) {
final remainingPath = request.pathParameters['*'];
return Response.ok(body: 'Remaining path $remainingPath');
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As per the above example any pathParameters passed after /users will be matched by the route.
Some Matchable Paths
/users/1234 -> 1234
/users/somerandomid -> somerandomid
/users/1234_id -> 1234_id
/users/1234_id/anyRandomStuff -> 1234_id/anyRandomStuff
/users/1234_id/8764/anyRandomStuff -> 1234_id/8764/anyRandomStuff
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Some Non-Matchable Paths
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PathParameters Priority #
If there is a chance for multiple routes getting matched for a single pathParameter, then a route
will be selected among them based on the below mentioned priority order of pathParameter present
in their path.

Static PathParameter
NonRegExp PathParameter
RegExp PathParameter
Wildcard PathParameter

WebSockets #
This a type of communication protocol that is used in order to achieve bi-directional way of
communication between client & server. Read more about it
from here
WebSocket Route #
This is an extended version of regular Route class for handling the web socket
connections. By default the path for this route will be set to /ws & the httpMethod
to HttpMethod.get, if needed they can be changed in the same way we change for regular route.
As it is an extended version what ever things applicable for a route all those will be applicable to
this class too.
Note:- As web socket is an active connection which won't be removed unless either server or
client gets disconnected, so the interceptors onDispose function added to this
route will only gets called when the client gets disconnected from the route not when any data
emitted to them.
In order to make a route handle web socket connections one should extends the WebSocketRoute
import 'dart:async';

import 'package:samba_server/samba_server.dart';

class ChatSocketRoute extends WebSocketRoute {
FutureOr<void> onConnected(WebSocket webSocket) {
throw UnimplementedError();
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There are several function present in the WebSocketRoute which can overridden in order to make
working with web socket much easier.
onConnected:- will get triggered, when ever new client is connected to the route.
onJoined:- will get triggered, when ever new client joined a room.
onLeft:- will get triggered, when ever a client left a room.
onError:- will get triggered, when ever any error occurred while handling a specific client.
onDone:- will get triggered, when ever a client got disconnected from the route.
WebSocket #
This is an wrapper around the WebSocket class of dart:io package. Basically this class contains
the necessary information about the connected client.
Using this class we can communicate with the client bi-directionally.
import 'dart:async';

import 'package:samba_server/samba_server.dart';

class ChatSocketRoute extends WebSocketRoute {
FutureOr<void> onConnected(WebSocket webSocket) {
// emits an message to the client
// indicating that the connection was successful
'connectionStatus': 'successful',

// listen for the data emitted by the client to the server
// under a specific event
webSocket.on('message', (data) {});
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As we seen in the above example we are listening on a event named message, like that we can listen
on n number of events at the server side. Also there were some other function similar to on that
can be used on WebSocket class to achieve desired effect as per needs.
Rooms #
This is a concept which can be only handled from the server side not from the client side.
As in a regular day-to-day life several persons can live in a single or multiple rooms, in the same
wise at server side a client can live in single or multiple rooms. It is upto to the server whether
to join or leave a client from respective room & client don't know to which rooms they are
connected with unless server specifies it to the client explicitly through some process.
Server can add a client to a room by calling join function & can remove a client from a room by
calling leave function on a WebSocket instance. And server can emit to all clients at one
present in rooms by calling emit function present in the WebSocketRoute class
import 'dart:async';

import 'package:samba_server/samba_server.dart';

class ChatSocketRoute extends WebSocketRoute {
FutureOr<void> onConnected(WebSocket webSocket) {
// Add the client to the room named `discussions`

if (true) {
// emit to all clients in the specified rooms
// indicating the id of the connected user
rooms: ['discussion'],

if (true) {
// Removes the client from the room named `discussions`
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Interceptors #
This is a class which can be used to pre or post modify the request or response classes. Even
helps in returning the response directly without invoking any further interceptors or route.
Interceptor can hold the state, because interceptor will be created (with new state) when ever it is
required & gets destroyed (along with the state) after the usage. So for every request unique
interceptor of same instance will be created.
In order to create an interceptor one should extends the Interceptor class.
import 'dart:async';

import 'package:samba_server/samba_server.dart';

class LoggerInterceptor extends Interceptor {
FutureOr<Response?> onInit(Request request) {
// Will get invoked when ever interceptor came into the execution scope.
// If interceptor is added for a route then,
// `this` function will get invoked before invoking the route.
return super.onInit(request);

FutureOr<Response> onDispose(Request request, Response response) {
// Will get invoked when ever interceptor is going out of execution scope.
// If interceptor is added for a route then,
// `this` function will get invoked after route returns its response.
return super.onDispose(request, response);
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Note:- If onInit function returns a response instead of null then any
next interceptors or route wont be invoked.
Interceptor Levels #
Interceptors can be added at different levels as mentioned below

Global Level Interceptors
Route Level Interceptors

Global Level Interceptors
These are the interceptors that can be added to the http-server directly & will get
invoked for all matched routes.
Click here to know how to register them.
Route Level Interceptors
These are the interceptors that can be added to the individual route & will get invoked only for
that route.
import 'dart:async';

import 'package:samba_server/samba_server.dart';

class AuthInterceptor extends Interceptor {
FutureOr<Response?> onInit(Request request) {
// TODO: implement onInit
return super.onInit(request);

FutureOr<Response> onDispose(Request request, Response response) {
// TODO: implement onDispose
return super.onDispose(request, response);

class HelloRoute extends Route {
HelloRoute() : super(HttpMethod.get, '/');

FutureOr<Iterable<Interceptor>>? interceptors(Request request) {
return [

FutureOr<Response> handler(Request request) {
return Response.ok(body: 'Hello from SAMBA_SERVER');
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Interceptors Priority #
Interceptors priority is calculated how they are stacked or added to the http-server
for a particular route ie., onInit function
of global level interceptors will be invoked first
then route level interceptors will be invoked & their order will be
same as they were added as a Iterable.
But when the interceptors were going out of scope their execution order will be the reverse order of
the way they were executed ie., onDispose function
of route level interceptors will be invoked first
then global level interceptors will be invoked & their order will be
reverse order of their Iterable version.
Cross-Origin #
These are some set of rules that should be set by the server in an order for the requests made from
website works properly. This also refers with some other names like CORS, Cross-Origin Resource
Sharing etc., Read more about it here.
Samba Server by defaults ships with a CrossOriginInterceptor which can be used as a regular
interceptor & this will helps in setting up the cross-origin rules based on the properties passed.
HttpServer #
This is an wrapper around the HttpServer class of dart:io package. Basically this is the core of
the whole project.
Bind #
Server can be started by binding it to a specific address & port as mentioned below. Once it is
binding then server will start listen to all incoming requests under then specified address
& port.
import 'package:samba_server/samba_server.dart';

Future<void> main() async {
final httpServer = HttpServer();
await httpServer.bind(address: '', port: 8080);
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Supported Methods #
Below are the methods that were supported by Samba Server at the current moment these may change
in future as per the community needs.
enum HttpMethod {
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Register Route #
A route should be registered to the http-server in order to start handling for matched paths.
import 'dart:async';

import 'package:samba_server/samba_server.dart';

class HelloRoute extends Route {
HelloRoute() : super(HttpMethod.get, '/');

FutureOr<Response> handler(Request request) {
return Response.ok(body: 'Hello from SAMBA_SERVER');

Future<void> main() async {
final httpServer = HttpServer();
await httpServer.bind(address: '', port: 8080);
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Register Interceptors #
Multiple interceptors can be registered to the http-server directly which in-turn called as global
level interceptors.
import 'dart:async';

import 'package:samba_server/samba_server.dart';

class LoggerInterceptor extends Interceptor {
FutureOr<Response?> onInit(Request request) {
// TODO: implement onInit
return super.onInit(request);

FutureOr<Response> onDispose(Request request, Response response) {
// TODO: implement onDispose
return super.onDispose(request, response);

Future<void> main() async {
final httpServer = HttpServer();
httpServer.registerInterceptors((request) {
return [
await httpServer.bind(address: '', port: 8080);
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Error Handling #
Any error occurred in the server while handling any request will be caught & will be propagated to
the errorHandler if passed any.
import 'package:samba_server/samba_server.dart';

Future<void> main() async {
final httpServer = HttpServer();
httpServer.registerErrorHandler((request, response, error, stackTrace) {
return Response.internalServerError(body: 'Some error has occurred');
await httpServer.bind(address: '', port: 8080);
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Samba Server is smart enough to even caught the errors occurred by the errorHandler & handle
itself internally by sending an default error response.

final defaultErrorResponse = Response.internalServerError(
body: 'Something went wrong, please try again later.',
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Shutdown #
Server can be stopped by calling shutdown function associated to the server. By default server
will get stopped gracefully ie., waits for any pending requests completion & closes it. But if we
don't want this kind of behaviour, we can pass gracefully flag as false, which make pending
requests to force close immediately.
import 'package:samba_server/samba_server.dart';

Future<void> main() async {
final httpServer = HttpServer();
await httpServer.bind(address: '', port: 8080);

// terminate the server based as per appropriate condition
if (true) {
await httpServer.shutdown();
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