sangfor-trans 0.1.5

Creator: bradpython12

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sangfortrans 0.1.5

sangfor_trans: Free sangfor translate for Python
python 3.4+
python 2.7+

You can install it from PyPI:
code: bash
$ pip install sangfor_trans
or manual install:
code: bash
$ python install
single sentence translation

code: python
>>> from sangfor_trans import get_translate
>>> from sangfor_trans.config import GOOGLE, BAIDU
>>> translator = get_translate.GetTranslator(GOOGLE)
>>> translator.translate("auto", "zh", "hello world. \n this is my book")

support language
.. code::
'afrikaans': 'af',
'arabic': 'ar',
'belarusian': 'be',
'bulgarian': 'bg',
'catalan': 'ca',
'czech': 'cs',
'welsh': 'cy',
'danish': 'da',
'german': 'de',
'greek': 'el',
'english': 'en',
'esperanto': 'eo',
'spanish': 'es',
'estonian': 'et',
'persian': 'fa',
'finnish': 'fi',
'french': 'fr',
'irish': 'ga',
'galician': 'gl',
'hindi': 'hi',
'croatian': 'hr',
'hungarian': 'hu',
'indonesian': 'id',
'icelandic': 'is',
'italian': 'it',
'hebrew': 'iw',
'japanese': 'ja',
'korean': 'ko',
'latin': 'la',
'lithuanian': 'lt',
'latvian': 'lv',
'macedonian': 'mk',
'malay': 'ms',
'maltese': 'mt',
'chinese_simplified': 'zh-CN',
'chinese_traditional': 'zh-TW',
'auto': 'auto'

How to make python third-party library and upload to PyPi
step1: python sdist
step2: pip install twine
step3: we need to register an account on PyPI and create a file ~/.pypirc in the local user root directory(windows: the .pypirc file is in C:\Users\sangfor), so that we don't need to enter the account password in the future.

repository =
username = <username>
password = <password>

step4: Next comes the last step, uploading packaged libraries. We use twine here. If there is no installation in the environment, we need to use PIP install twine to install it first.
twine upload dist/*

End: At this point, you can see your own source code package on the web page, and you can use our own Python library by using PIP install package name.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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