
Creator: coderz1093

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save_in_gallery Image
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save in gallery

save_in_gallery #
Flutter plugin that allows you to save images in native gallery in both Android and iOS. You can either save them in default album or in named album of your choice.
Installation #
For installation details see Installing tab on this page.
Configuration #
iOS #
To use this plugin in iOS you must add 2 new records to configuration file info.plist located in ios/Runner directory. To do so, open iOS project in Xcode by running
open ios/Runner.xcworkspace
then right-click on info.plist file in project navigator and click open as > source code. Then add following 2 records at the end of <dict> object:

Where write should be reason why your app requires write access to user's gallery. This is necessary to save images in gallery.
Where read should be reason why your app requires read access to user's gallery. This is necessary to create and use named albums in gallery.

Be aware that app will ask user's permission to read/write gallery access using standard iOS alerts when you will use methods provided by this plugin. These alerts' appearance can not be changed.
If user declines access, these alerts can not be shown again, instead you must use custom controls to redirect user to Settings app, so they can grant access rights themselves. Methods provided by this plugin will not work unless user provides proper access rights.
Android #
This plugin should work out-of-the-box and does not require additional configuration.
Be aware that app will ask user's permission to WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE using standard Android alerts when you will use methods provided by this plugin. These alerts' appearance can not be changed.
If user declines access, these alerts can not be shown again, instead you must use custom controls to redirect user to Settings app, so they can grant access rights themselves. Methods provided by this plugin will not work unless user provides proper access rights.
Examples #
Save multiple images from app's assets to default gallery #
import 'package:save_in_gallery/save_in_gallery.dart';
final _imageSaver = ImageSaver();
Future<void> saveAssetImage() async {
// 1
final urls = [
// 2
List<Uint8List> bytesList = [];
for (final url in urls) {
final bytes = await rootBundle.load(url);
// 3
final res = await _imageSaver.saveImages(
imageBytes: bytesList
// 4
copied to clipboard

Prepare list of asset URLs;
Load each image, extract byte data, and map to Uint8List type;
Invoke plugin method to save loaded images;
res variable will hold result of saving operation. If it's true, then everything went as expected and images have been successfully saved. Otherwise something went wrong along the way. Use this variable to provide feedback to user.

Fetch image from web and save it to a named album in gallery #
import 'package:save_in_gallery/save_in_gallery.dart';
final _imageSaver = ImageSaver();
Future<void> saveNetworkImage() async {
// 1
final url = "https://some_url/image.png";
// 2
final image = NetworkImage(url);
final key = await image.obtainKey(ImageConfiguration());
final load = image.load(key);
load.addListener((listener, err) async {
// 3
final byteData = await listener.image.toByteData(
format: ImageByteFormat.png
final bytes = byteData.buffer.asUint8List();
// 4
final res = await _imageSaver.saveImage(
imageBytes: bytes,
directoryName: "dir_name",
// 5
copied to clipboard

Prepapre URL to image you want to fetch;
Create NetworkImage object with your URL and load it's configuration;
Extract byte data from image;
Invoke plugin method to save fetched image in custom album named dir_name;
res variable will hold result of saving operation. If it's true, then everything went as expected and image have been successfully saved. Otherwise something went wrong along the way. Use this variable to provide feedback to user.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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