
Creator: coderz1093

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scaffold d

scaffold_d #
A feature-rich command-line interface (CLI) designed for Flutter applications
Why scaffold_d #

Simplify the creation of templates for various sections of your Flutter application.
Benefit from a variety of template options, providing versatility in scaffolding.
Effortlessly handle nested folders and files within your project structure.
Experience no increase in the size of your existing application.

Getting Started #
🔩 Installation
dart pub add scaffold_d
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Create file scaffold_d.json in your project root directory.
Configure scaffold_d.json by using following options.

"template": [
"templateName": "provider",
"source": "templates/provider_template",
"op": "lib/features/auth",
"identifierMapping": [
"name": "_$Provider",
"replaceWith": "AuthProvider"
"name": "repo",
"replaceWith": "AuthRepo"
"extensionMapping": [
"name": "gg",
"replaceWith": "dart"
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Usage #
Run below command in terminal .
dart run scaffold_d --template=providder
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dart run scaffold_d -t=providder
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Example #


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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