
Creator: coderz1093

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Schwifty #
This is a simple stream-based state machine for Flutter. It was designed to be a simplified version of the BLoC pattern that does not rely on context and requires less boilerplate.
Installation #
Add the following to your pubspec.yaml file:
schwifty: ^0.0.1
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Usage #
Creating a Schwifty State Stream #
To create a new state stream, use the Schwifty class. This class has a single method, create, which takes a function that returns a stream of the state you want to manage. The function will be called when the stream is first listened to.
final Schwifty<int> _schwifty = Schwifty<int>('counter');
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In the example above, we create a new Schwifty instance that will manage an integer state. You need to pass a unique name to the constructor and specify the value type for the instance so that the state can be identified. Using the name of an existing instance will return the same instance. If you access an existing instance with a different type, an exception will be thrown.
You can access the current value of the state by using the value property of the Schwifty instance.
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You can also set the initial value of the state by passing it to the constructor.
final Schwifty<int> _schwifty = Schwifty<int>('counter')..emit(1);
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You can access the previous value of the state by using the previousValue property of the Schwifty instance.
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Listening to the State Stream #
To listen to the value stream, you can listen to the stream property of the Schwifty instance, use a StreamBuilder widget, or use the SchwiftyBuilder widget.
Using the stream Property {
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Using a StreamBuilder Widget
builder: (context, snapshot) {
return Text(;
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Using a SchwiftyBuilder Widget
schwifty: _schwifty,
builder: (context, schwifty) {
return Text(schwifty.value.toString());
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Updating the State #
You can update the state value by calling the emit method of the Schwifty instance.
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You can also use the emitFromFuture method to update the state value from a future. This will automatically handle the loading state and error state for you.
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Lastly, you can use the emitFromStream method to update the state value from a stream. This will put the stream in a loading state until the stream emits a value or an error.
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Handling Loading and Error States #
When you use the emitFromFuture or emitFromStream methods, the state will automatically be set to a loading state until the future or stream emits a value. If the future or stream throws an error, the state will be set to an error state with the error object.
You can check if a Schwifty instance is in a loading or error state by checking the isLoading and hasError properties.
if (_schwifty.isLoading) {

if (_schwifty.hasError) {
print('Error: ${_schwifty.error}');
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Disposing the State Stream #
To dispose of the state stream, you can call the dispose method of the Schwifty instance. If you call this on a Schwifty instance that was created with a unique name, the instance will still be accessible by the name, but the stream will be closed and will not emit any more values.
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The SchwiftyBuilder Widget #
The SchwiftyBuilder is a convenience widget that will automatically listen to the state stream and rebuild the widget when the state changes.

schwifty: The Schwifty instance to use.
builder: A function that takes a BuildContext and a Schwifty instance and returns a Widget.
loadingBuilder: A function that takes a BuildContext and a Schwifty instance and returns a Widget. This will be called when the state is in a loading state.
errorBuilder: A function that takes a BuildContext, a Schwifty instance, and an Object and returns a Widget. This will be called when the state is in an error state.
shouldRebuild: A function that takes the Schwifty instance and returns a bool. If this function returns false, the widget will not be rebuilt.
onlyRebuildOnValueChange: A bool that determines if the widget should only be rebuilt when the state value changes. Defaults to true.
onlyBuildOnce: A bool that determines if the widget should only be built once as soon as the state has a value. Defaults to false.

schwifty: _schwifty,
builder: (context, schwifty) {
return Text(schwifty.value.toString());
loadingBuilder: (context, schwifty) {
return CircularProgressIndicator();
errorBuilder: (context, schwifty, error) {
return Text('Error: $error');
shouldRebuild: (schwifty) {
return schwifty.value % 2 == 0;
onlyRebuildOnValueChange: false,
onlyBuildOnce: true,
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Conclusion #
That's it! You now have a simple stream-based state machine for Flutter. Feel free to open an issue on GitHub if you have any suggestions or improvements.


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