
Creator: coderz1093

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scrabble word checker

Scrabble Word Checker #
Description #
The Scrabble ODS Word Checker is a Flutter package that allows you to check if a word is in the Official Scrabble Dictionary (ODS). The package is easy to use and can be integrated into your Flutter app in minutes.
To use the package, simply import it into your project and call the isValidWord() method. The method takes a word as a parameter and returns a boolean value indicating whether the word is in the ODS.
Installation #
Add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml file.
scrabble_word_checker: ^0.0.4
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Get dependencies
$ flutter pub get
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Supported languages #


Usage #
To use this package, first import in anywhere in your code
import 'package:scrabble_word_checker/scrabble_word_checker.dart';
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Initialise the word checker class
final ScrabbleWordChecker wordChecker = ScrabbleWordChecker(language: ScrabbleLanguage.english);
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Check for any word
bool isCorrect1 = wordChecker.isValidWord("aa"); // Expected: true
bool isCorrect2 = wordChecker.isValidWord("a"); // Expected: false
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Get word value
int value = wordChecker.getWordValue("black"); // Expected: 13
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Change language
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Licence #
Scrabble Word Checker is open source and licenced under Apache 2.0.
You're free to use it for personal purpose, you can also contribute by adding amazing futures.😊


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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