
Creator: coderz1093

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screenshot plus

screenshot_plus #

Screenshot Plus is a Dart package for taking screenshots on Android and iOS. This package provides a simple API to capture the current screen and save it as an image file in the device's storage.
The captured image can then be used for various purposes such as sharing, printing, or analyzing app behavior. The package is easy to use and integrates seamlessly with existing Flutter projects. This plugin saves the image and returns the path. Also working on almost all version of **Android** or **iOS**.

Instalation #
Run this command in terminal:
flutter pub add screenshot_plus
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Or add this on pubspec.yaml file.
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Android #
You must grant Write permission on Storage
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
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to your AndroidManifest.xml inside android/src/main/ directory.
Also you need to add a property to application tag to fix an issue with permissions writing to EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
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iOS #
If don't add
<string>Take pretty screenshots and save it to the PhotoLibrary.</string>
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to your info.plist file inside ios/Runner directory, the application will crash.
Use #
Import the library:
import 'package:screenshot_plus/screenshot_plus.dart';
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and take a screenshot:
//Get the absolute path
String path = await ScreenshotPlus.takeShot();
debugPrint('Screenshot taken: $path');
copied to clipboard
In error case the function returns empty path to Show the captured image use this widget
//imageFilepath is the absolute File(path)
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