scrobblerh 1.1.4

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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scrobblerh 1.1.4

Note: Python 3 is required!

The program can be invoked with one of the following commands:

add-user - Add a user to the list of known users.

A username.

[–password, -p]
The corresponding password.

If a username is provided, you will be prompted for a password.
If the command is invoked without any arguments, a authorization
web-page will be opened for you to grant access to the application.

[–dont-invoke-browser, -x]
When invoking the command without arguments, always show the
authentication URL; never try to automatically open it.

list-users - List known users and their corresponding session keys.
remove-user - Remove a user from the list of known users.

The user to remove.

scrobble - Scrobble a track.

The username to scrobble with. If the user isn’t known,
you will be prompted for a password.

The name of the artist.

The name of the track.

The time of listening. Formatted by –time-format. It may also be now,
in which case the current time is used.

[–time-format, -tf]
Specifies the format of time, using
the syntax of
Defaults to %Y-%m-%d.%H:%M.

[–album, -a]
The name of the album.

[–duration, -d]
Has the format of XXhYYmZZs. At least one of those has to be present,
but any number of them can be specified, and in any order.

now-playing - Update the now-playing status.

The username to use. If the user isn’t known,
you will be prompted for a password.

The name of the artist.

The name of the track.

[–album, -a]
The name of the album.

[–duration, -d]
Has the format of XXhYYmZZs. At least one of those has to be present,
but any number of them can be specified, and in any order.

Add a user to the list of known users:
$ scrobbler add-user
The authentication page will be opened, or its URL printed here.
Press enter to continue.
Press enter after granting access.
User hauzzer added.

$ scrobbler add-user hauzzer
User hauzzer added.

$ scrobbler add-user hauzzer --password ******
User hauzzer added.

List all known users:
$ scrobbler list-users
hauzzer | b431328fc489a4f6e6eeee3e8a0f5537

Scrobble a track, “Lamplight Symphony”
by Kansas, which was listened to on 07/15/2013 at 15:32:
$ scrobbler scrobble hauzzer Kansas "Lamplight Symphony" 2013-15-07.15:32 -a "Song for America" -d 8m16s
Track scrobbled.

Update the now-playing status with “Incomudro - Hymn to the Atman”
by Kansas.:
$ scrobbler now-playing hauzzer Kansas "Incomudro - Hymn to the Atman" -a "Song for America" -d 12m17s
Status updated.

Remove a user from the list of known users:
$ scrobbler remove-user hauzzer
User hauzzer removed.



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