scuff 0.4.5

Creator: bradpython12

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scuff 0.4.5

A slick config file format for humans.

Scuff is a language suite with a slick, efficient, flexible syntax, unique
features and useful tools.
Its purpose is to represent structured data effectively.
Scuff’s greatest strengths are its syntactic simplicity and reliable
flexibility. It comes with a Python API and a simple command line tool for
moving data between JSON syntax, Python’s and its own.
One excellent use for Scuff is to encode and parse configuration files.
Scuff implements its own custom lexer, recursive-descent parser and
transpiler to read and process data. Though written in Python, the parser
is immune from Python’s recursion limit.

To install Scuff and its tools for Python from the Python Package Index,
run the following in the command line:
$ python -m pip install scuff


Assigning Variables
Variables are assigned with a key and a value.
Key names must be valid identifiers, meaning they must contain no spaces or
symbols except underscore (_).
Values can be assigned to variables with or without an equals sign (=):
my_favorite_number = 42
my_favorite_color "Magenta"
is_but_a_flesh_wound yes
When left without a value, variables will evaluate to null or None:
set_to_null =
but_this_has_a_value 15

Data Types

Numbers can be integers or floats:
1 1.2 -1_000 0.123 .123_4

The boolean values True and False are given using these variants:
True true yes
False false no
They are case-insensitive, so yes and yES both evaluate to True.

Single-line strings can be enclosed by single quotes ('), double
quotes (") or backticks (`), and multiline strings are enclosed by
three of any one:
foo "abc"
bar 'def'
baz '''Hi,
did you know
you're cute?

Lists are enclosed by square brackets ([]).
Elements inside lists are separated by spaces, commas or line breaks:
groceries [
"milk" "eggs"

Mappings are groups of key-value pairs enclosed by curly braces ({}).
Values may be any expression, even other mappings:
me {
name "Samantha"
age 24
job "Developer"
favorite_things {
editor "Vim"
languages ["Python", "Rust"]
Mappings may also take the form of dotted attribute lookups:
outer.middle.inner yes
evauates in Python to
{'outer': {'middle': {'inner': True}}}

Single-line comments are made using the # symbol:
option = "The parser reads this."
# But this is a comment.
#And so is this.
option2 = "# But not this; It's inside a string."
# The parser ignores everything between ``#`` and the end of the line.
# ignore = "Comment out any lines of code you want to skip."

Python Usage
Once you install Scuff, you can then import scuff as a Python module
and use its tools:
>>> import scuff
>>> scuff.to_json('menu {border.color "#aa22bb", font.color "#cdcdcd"}')
'{"menu": {"border": {"color": "#aa22bb"}, "font": {"color": "#cdcdcd"}}}'

>>> type(scuff.to_py('Documents/file.conf'))
<class 'dict'>

>>> scuff.to_py('a.b ["c", "d"]')
{'a': {'b': ['c', 'd']}}

>>> scuff.parse('hovercraft ["eel" "eel" "eel" "eel"]')
<ast.Module object at 0x74b59c109710>
>>> print(scuff.dump(_))

Command Line Usage
Scuff also comes with a command line tool for converting between formats:
usage: scuff [-h] [-j] [-p] [-a] [--debug] [-v] source [source ...]

positional arguments:
source The file path(s) or literal Scuff to process.

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-j, --to-json Convert `source` to JSON.
-p, --to-python Convert `source` to Python.
-a, --show-ast Parse `source` and show its equivalent AST.
--debug Use debug mode. (Not implemented)
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
Multiple files and strings may be converted in multiple ways at once:
$ python -m scuff --to-json ~/.config/mybar/mybar.conf 'foo {a{b [1,{c 3}]}}'
{"field_order": ["hostname", "uptime", "cpu_usage", "cpu_temp", "mem_usage", "disk_usage", "battery", "net_stats", "datetime"], "field_icons": {"uptime": ["Up ", "\uf2f2 "], "cpu_usage": ["CPU ", "\uf3fd "], "cpu_temp": ["", "\uf06d "], "mem_usage": ["MEM ", "\uf2db "], "disk_usage": ["/: ", "\uf233 "], "battery": ["BAT ", "\uf242 "], "net_stats": ["", "\uf1eb"]}}

{"foo": {"a": {"b": [1, {"c": 3}]}}}


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