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searchdataexplorer 0.4.2
Search Data Explorer
Visualize optimization search-data via plotly in a streamlit dashboard
The Search-Data-Explorer is a simple application specialized to visualize search-data generated from Gradient-Free-Optimizers or Hyperactive. It is designed as an easy-to-use tool to gain insights into multi-dimensional data, as commonly found in optimization.
I created this package, because I needed a convenient tool to visually analyse search-data during the development of gradient-free-optimization algorithms. My goal for this package is to help users get insight into the search-data and its corresponding objective-function and search-space. Building on this insight could help improve the selection of the search-space, compare models in the objective-function or explain the behaviour of the optimization algorithm.
This project is in an early development stage and is only tested manually. If you encounter bugs or have suggestions for improvements, then please open an issue.
pip install search-data-explorer
How to use
The Search Data Explorer has a very simple API, that can be explained by the examples below or just execute the command "search-data-explorer [file]" to open the Search Data Explorer without executing a python script.
search-data requirements
The Search Data Explorer is used by loading the search-data with a few lines of code. The search data that is loaded from file must follow the pattern below. The columns can have any name but must contain the score, which is always included in search-data from Gradient-Free-Optimizers or Hyperactive.
first column name
another column name
Load search-data by passing dataframe
You can pass the search-data directly, if you do not want to save your search-data to disk and just explore it one time after the optimization has finished.
import numpy as np
from gradient_free_optimizers import RandomSearchOptimizer
from search_data_explorer import SearchDataExplorer
def parabola_function(para):
loss = para["x"] * para["x"] + para["y"] * para["y"] + para["y"] * para["y"]
return -loss
search_space = {
"x": np.arange(-10, 10, 0.1),
"y": np.arange(-10, 10, 0.1),
"z": np.arange(-10, 10, 0.1),
# generate search-data for this example with gradient-free-optimizers
opt = RandomSearchOptimizer(search_space)
opt.search(parabola_function, n_iter=1000)
search_data = opt.search_data
# Open Search-Data-Explorer
sde = SearchDataExplorer()
sde.open(search_data) # pass search-data
Load search-data by passing path to file
If you already have a search-data file on disk you can pass the path to the file to the search-data-explorer.
import numpy as np
from gradient_free_optimizers import RandomSearchOptimizer
from search_data_explorer import SearchDataExplorer
def parabola_function(para):
loss = para["x"] * para["x"] + para["y"] * para["y"] + para["y"] * para["y"]
return -loss
search_space = {
"x": np.arange(-10, 10, 0.1),
"y": np.arange(-10, 10, 0.1),
"z": np.arange(-10, 10, 0.1),
# generate search-data for this example with gradient-free-optimizers
opt = RandomSearchOptimizer(search_space)
opt.search(parabola_function, n_iter=1000)
search_data = opt.search_data
search_data.to_csv("search_data.csv", index=False)
# Open Search-Data-Explorer
sde = SearchDataExplorer()
sde.open("model1.csv") # pass path to file on disk
Load search-data by browsing for file
You can just open the search-data-explorer without passing a file or path. In this case you can browse for the file via a menu inside the search-data-explorer.
import numpy as np
from gradient_free_optimizers import RandomSearchOptimizer
from search_data_explorer import SearchDataExplorer
def parabola_function(para):
loss = para["x"] * para["x"] + para["y"] * para["y"] + para["y"] * para["y"]
return -loss
search_space = {
"x": np.arange(-10, 10, 0.1),
"y": np.arange(-10, 10, 0.1),
"z": np.arange(-10, 10, 0.1),
# generate search-data for this example with gradient-free-optimizers
opt = RandomSearchOptimizer(search_space)
opt.search(parabola_function, n_iter=1000)
search_data = opt.search_data
search_data.to_csv("search_data.csv", index=False)
# Open Search-Data-Explorer
sde = SearchDataExplorer()
sde.open() # start without passing anything and use the file explorer within the search-data-explorer
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