
Creator: coderz1093

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search algorithm

Search Algorithms #
A Dart package that provides implementations of various search algorithms, including Binary Search, Linear Search, and Jump Search. Each search function accepts a list of data (either String or int) and the data to search for, returning the index if the data is found, otherwise -1. The package also provides information about the time taken for each search.
Features #

Linear Search: A straightforward search algorithm that checks each element in the list until the desired element is found or the list ends.
Binary Search: A more efficient algorithm for sorted lists, dividing the search interval in half repeatedly.
Jump Search: An algorithm that searches in blocks of elements, reducing the time complexity for sorted lists.

Installation #
Add the following line to your pubspec.yaml dependencies section:
search_algorithms: ^1.0.2
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Usage #
import 'package:search_algorithms/search_algorithms.dart';

void main() {
List<int> intList = List.generate(10000, (index) => index);
List<String> stringList = List.generate(10000, (index) => 'Item$index');

// Linear Search
int index1 = SearchAlgorithms.linearSearch(intList, 5000);
print('Linear Search Index: $index1');

// Binary Search
int index2 = SearchAlgorithms.binarySearch(intList, 5000);
print('Binary Search Index: $index2');

// Jump Search
int index3 = SearchAlgorithms.jumpSearch(intList, 5000);
print('Jump Search Index: $index3');

// Measure time for Linear Search
Duration duration1 = SearchAlgorithms.measureTime(() => SearchAlgorithms.linearSearch(intList, 5000));
print('Linear Search time: ${duration1.inMicroseconds} µs');

// Measure time for Binary Search
Duration duration2 = SearchAlgorithms.measureTime(() => SearchAlgorithms.binarySearch(intList, 5000));
print('Binary Search time: ${duration2.inMicroseconds} µs');

// Measure time for Jump Search
Duration duration3 = SearchAlgorithms.measureTime(() => SearchAlgorithms.jumpSearch(intList, 5000));
print('Jump Search time: ${duration3.inMicroseconds} µs');
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int linearSearch
Parameters: #
list: The list to search.
key: The element to search for.
Returns: The index of the element if found, otherwise -1.
int binarySearch
Parameters: #
list: The sorted list to search.
key: The element to search for.
Returns: The index of the element if found, otherwise -1.
int jumpSearch
Parameters: #
list: The sorted list to search.
key: The element to search for.
Returns: The index of the element if found, otherwise -1.
Duration measureTime(Function function)
Measures the time taken to execute a function.
Parameters: #
function: The function to measure.
Returns: The duration taken to execute the function.


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