searchophile 1.0.8

Creator: bradpython12

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searchophile 1.0.8

Contains file search functionality, combining find, grep, and sed commands. This package is made
platform-independent by using the Python tools
greplica, and
Feel free to open a bug report or make a merge request on github.
This project is uploaded to PyPI at
To install, ensure you are connected to the internet and execute: python3 -m pip install searchophile --upgrade
Ensure Python's scripts directory is under the environment variable PATH in order to be able to execute the CLI tools properly from command line.
CLI Tools
The following CLI commands are installed with this package.

search : search and display contents of files and optionally replace
csearch : calls search with filtering for C/C++ code files (.h, .hpp, .c, .cpp, .cxx, .cc) and output line numbers
pysearch : calls search with filtering for Python code files (.py) and output line numbers
refind : find clone written in Python
greplica : grep clone written in Python
sedeuce : sed clone written in Python

Search CLI Help
usage: search [-h] [-s SEARCH_STRING_OPT] [-r] [-i] [-l] [-n] [--whole-word]
[--no-grep-tweaks] [--show-color | --no-color] [--root ROOT_DIR] [-a NAME]
[--replace REPLACE_STRING] [-t] [--show-errors] [--version] [--dry-run]

Recursively search for files within a directory

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit

grep Options:
search_string Search for this string in files (as positional)
Search for this string in files (as option)
-r, --regex-search Search as regex instead of string
-i, --ignore-case Ignore case when searching
-l, --list-file-names
List matching file names only for search operation
-n, --show-line-number
Show line number in result
--whole-word, --wholeword
Search with whole word only
--no-grep-tweaks Don't make any tweaks to the output of grep
--show-color Set to display color in search output (default: auto)
--no-color Set to not display color in search output (default: auto)

find options:
--root ROOT_DIR Root directory in which to search (default: cwd)
-a NAME, --name NAME File name globs used to narrow search
-w PATH, --wholename PATH, --whole-name PATH, --path PATH
Relative file path globs used to narrow search
-x REGEX_NAME, --regexname REGEX_NAME, --regex-name REGEX_NAME
File name regex globs used to narrow search
-e REGEX_PATH, --regexwholename REGEX_PATH, --regex-whole-name REGEX_PATH,
--regexpath REGEX_PATH, --regex-path REGEX_PATH
Relative file path regex globs used to narrow search
-M MAX_DEPTH, --maxdepth MAX_DEPTH, --max-depth MAX_DEPTH
Maximum find directory depth (default: inf)
-m MIN_DEPTH, --mindepth MIN_DEPTH, --min-depth MIN_DEPTH
Minimum find directory depth (default: 0)

sed options:
String to replace search string. If --regex is selected, this must be
compatible with sed substitute replace string.

other options:
-t, --silent Silence information & confirmations generated by this script. If this
is specified with replace operation, no output will displayed unless
there was an error.
--show-errors Show all errors to stderr instead of suppressing
--version output version information and exit
--dry-run, --dryrun Print equivalent find/grep/sed commands and exit.

All regular expressions must be in "extended" form.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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