secretfy-config-creator 0.0.3.dev0

Creator: bradpython12

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secretfyconfigcreator 0.0.3.dev0

Secretfy-config-creator is a tool for creating configuration files from
existing template files.


Table of Contents:

What is Secretfy-config-creator?
Why Secretfy-config-creator?
How to Use

What is Secretfy-config-creator?
Secretfy-config-creator is a tool for generating config files dynamically from
your template files. The templates are nothing but configuration files, which
holds your configuration in mustache format. The secretfy-config-creator tool
generator the required configuration file with help of secrets file which would
contain the real values required for actual config/properties file.

Why Secretfy-config-creator?
Let’s just say you have a set of configuration which you keep in a file
config.yaml, config.json, etc. These configuration might
have some highly sensitive information required to execute your project like
your user credentials, email, phone number, private key etc. Everytime, in your
development process, you need to add these sensitive values to the config file
and remove them before committing the code into github.
This process is pretty painful and often you endup committing one or the other
sensitive information to git.
So, instead of having a config file, you can have a template which resembles
your config file. Now before executing your project. All you need to do is
generate the desired config file with the help of this tool and then follow the
usual approach of running the project. The best part is that you don’t have to
worry about accidently commit the actual config file to the git repo. That file
won’t be shown in git status unless you forcibly add it.

This section provides quick steps of how to setup this tool.

Create a virtual Python environment and install Secretfy-config-creator in it.
virtualenv vsecretfy
source vsecretfy/bin/activate
python3 install

Run Sanity test
secretfy -m
The above command creates mock templates, secrets file at
/tmp/secretfy-config-creator directory. The -c or --config
option is for providing your config.yaml file.

How to Use
This section provides samples of how to use this tool.
Secretfy-config-creator consist of 3 components :-
Secrets file - This file can be in yaml, json and xml format.
Template files - These files are configuration files in template format. For
eg:- If you have a file config.json then your template file will be
Extension - This is the file extension of your configuration file. Following
are the example config files and their respective extension.

a. config.yaml : yaml
b. config.xml : xml
c. config.json : json
d. : properties

These parameters can be added to a baseconfig.yaml file in the following way

secret: res/secrets.yaml
file: res/example.yaml.mustache
extension: yaml
file: res/example.json.mustache
extension: json
file: res/example.xml.mustache
extension: xml

The baseconfig.yaml file starts with secretfy_template tag.
1. secret is the absolute path of the secrets file containing sensitive
2. templates tag is an array of template files. All these files are in
.mustache format whose sensitive values resides in secrets.yaml file.

file is the absolute path of the template file.
extension is the extension of the configuration file which will be generated from the template file.

NOTE: Make sure that the template file are in <file_name>.<extension>.<mustache> format.
Run the following command to generate the config files.

secretfy -c baseconfig.yaml

This will create config files in the respective directories. Note that these
configurations won’t be seen in git history. You can check that by doing git status.


val2: my_password
val3: username
val4: my_private_key


val1: {{secrets.item.val1}}
val2: {{secrets.item.val2}}
result: This is just a dummy description.
val3: {{secrets.item1.val3}}
val4: {{secrets.item1.val4}}
result: This is another dummy description.

The secrets.yaml file contains the sensitive information and
example.yaml.mustache is the template file which contains the keys in
mustache format. Hence the key secrets.item.val2 has value my_password
which will be populated via secretfy tool.
NOTE: You can run `secretfy -m` to get more sample baseconfig, templates, secret files. These files will get generated at `/tmp/secretfy-config-creator`.

How can i deploy my code in CICD pipeline or on remote server since it
doesn’t have config files and needs to be generated.
You can generate all the config files required for your repository to compile
and run in CICD pipeline or at remote server by the following command.

secretfy -e mustache -s <secrets_file_path> -r <repository_path>

-e is the template extension, -s is the absolute path of the secrets file
and -r is absolute path of the repository

To report bugs, suggest improvements, or ask questions, please create a
new issue at

This is free software. You are permitted to use, copy, modify, merge,
publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of it, under the
terms of the MIT License. See for the complete license.
This software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See for the complete disclaimer.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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