
Creator: coderz1093

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Secugen Fingerprint Reader #
A plugin that allows you to use the native Secugen FDx Pro SDK to capture and verify fingerprints using
Secugen external USB device.
Platform Support #


Currently supported features #

Initializing USB fingerprint device
Led control (On/Off)
Smart capture control (Enable/Disable)
Brightness control (Only when Smart capture is disabled)
Capture fingerprint
Capture fingerprint with Timeout and Quality
Auto capture fingerprint
Fingerprint verification
Fingerprint matching score

How to use #
You can import the package with:
import 'package:secugenfplib/secugenfplib.dart';
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Plugin Initialization
final _secugenfplib = Secugenfplib();
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Initialize the Device
The Secugen USB device must be initialized before it can be used. When initializing, the USB device
must be connected to the Android device through USB. The android.permission.USB_PERMISSION usb
permission is requested to access the usb device during device initialization. Custom SgfplibException
exception might be thrown during initialization if device is not supported or sensor not found etc.
try {
bool? isDeviceReady = await _secugenfplib.initializeDevice();
} on SgfplibException catch (e) {
//handle the exception
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Led Control
The enableLed() function controls the led light of the USB device. It takes bool true/false
as parameter to enable and disable the led light.
_secugenfplib.enableLed(bool val);
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Smart Capture
The Secugen device drivers use Smart Capture technology to dynamically adjust brightness to ensure
the best image quality. Smart Capture is enabled by default during device initialization. To manually
enable or disable Smart Capture use enableSmartCapture() function with a bool type parameter.
_secugenfplib.enableSmartCapture(bool val);
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Brightness Control
To manually control the quality of a captured image, the image brightness should be adjusted by
changing the brightness setting using setBrightness() function. This function is ignored if
Smart Capture is enabled. SgfplibException exception might be thrown if Smart Capture is enabled
or brightness level value is not between 0 to 100.
try {
await _secugenfplib.setBrightness(int brightnessLevel); // Set from 0 to 100
} on SgfplibException catch (e) {
//handle the exception
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Capture Fingerprint
The captureFingerprint() function is used to capture fingerprint image. It captures an image without
checking for the image quality.
try {
final captureResult = await _secugenfplib.captureFingerprint();
} on SgfplibException catch (e) {
//handle the exception
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The captureFingerprintWithQuality() captures fingerprint images continuously for the given time period,
checks the image quality against a specified given quality value and ignores if the quality of the
fingerprint is not acceptable. The timeout parameter accepts an int value in milliseconds.
try {
final captureResult = await _secugenfplib.captureFingerprintWithQuality(timeout: TIMEOUT_IN_MS, quality: QUALITY);
} on SgfplibException catch (e) {
//handle the exception
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Both the captureFingerprint() and captureFingerprintWithQuality() functions return an object of type
ImageCaptureResult. The ImageCaptureResult has three properties - rawBytes as (Uint8List original
fingerprint bytes), imageBytes as (Uint8List image representable bytes) and quality as (int
quality of the image). SgfplibException exception might be thrown if no fingerprint is present.
Auto Capture
The captureFingerprint() and captureFingerprintWithQuality() both functions support auto capture.
If auto capture is on, the attached fingerprint device continuously checks for the presence of a finger.
An image is returned if any fingerprint is detected.
final captureResult = await _secugenfplib.captureFingerprint(auto: bool isAutoOn);
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final captureResult = await _secugenfplib.captureFingerprintWithQuality(timeout: TIMEOUT_IN_MS, quality: QUALITY, auto: bool isAutoOn);
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Fingerprint Verification
The verifyFingerprint() function uses two raw bytes from two different fingerprint ImageCaptureResult
for verification. It creates a template for each fingerprint bytes and uses these templates for matching.
try {
bool? isMatch = await _secugenfplib.verifyFingerprint(firstBytes: FIRST_RAW_BYTES, secondBytes: SECOND_RAW_BYTES);
} on SgfplibException catch (e) {
//handle the exception
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Fingerprint Matching Score
To manually determine the verification of two fingerprints, a matching score can be used. The getMatchingScore()
function returns a score comparing two raw fingerprint bytes of ImageCaptureResult. The score can be between
0 to 200. The higher the score, the higher the matching accuracy is.
try {
int? score = await _secugenfplib.getMatchingScore(firstBytes: FIRST_RAW_BYTES, secondBytes: SECOND_RAW_BYTES);
} on SgfplibException catch (e) {
//handle the exception
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Example App #

Additional Configuration #
Add the configuration below to your Android manifest, if you want your app to open automatically
whenever the USB device is connected. If USB permission is granted, this configuration allows your app
to open immediately after the USB device is connected to the Android device.
Inside the <activity></activity> tag, add:
<action android:name="android.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED" />

<meta-data android:name="android.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED"
android:resource="@xml/device_filter" />
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Next, inside the app >> src >> main >> res >> xml directory, add an xml file name device_filter.xml.
Copy and paste the xml code below in the device_filter.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--SecuGen SDU03P 0x1162 0x1000-->
<usb-device vendor-id="4450" product-id="4096" />
<!--SecuGen SDU04P 0x1162 0x2000-->
<usb-device vendor-id="4450" product-id="8192" />
<!--SecuGen U20 0x1162 0x2200-->
<usb-device vendor-id="4450" product-id="8704" />
<!--SecuGen U20-2 0x1162 0x22BA-->
<usb-device vendor-id="4450" product-id="8890" />
<!--SecuGen UPx 0x1162 0x2201-->
<usb-device vendor-id="4450" product-id="8705" />
<!--SecuGen U10 0x1162 0x2203-->
<usb-device vendor-id="4450" product-id="8707" />
<!--SecuGen U20-AP 0x1162 0x2220-->
<usb-device vendor-id="4450" product-id="8736" />
<!--SecuGen U20-A 0x1162 0x2240-->
<usb-device vendor-id="4450" product-id="8768" />
<!--SecuGen U20-AP-A 0x1162 0x2360-->
<usb-device vendor-id="4450" product-id="9056" />
<!--SecuGen U30-A 0x1162 0x2410-->
<usb-device vendor-id="4450" product-id="9232" />
<!--SecuGen U-AIR 0x1162 0x2500-->
<usb-device vendor-id="4450" product-id="9472" />
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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