
Creator: coderz1093

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secure compressor

secure-compressor #
secure_compressor is a Dart package that provides utilities for securely encrypting, decrypting, compressing, and decompressing string data using AES encryption and gzip compression.
Features #

Encrypt and decrypt string data using AES encryption.
Compress and decompress string data using gzip.
Combine encryption and compression for secure and efficient data storage and transmission.
Save encrypted and compressed data to local storage.
Share encrypted and compressed data to media platform device (WA, email, etc).

Installation #
Add the following to your pubspec.yaml file:


secure_compressor: <Latest-Version>

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Then, run flutter pub get to fetch the package.
Usages #
::: Notes :::
- keyString must be 32 character
- Initialization Vector (IV) [ivString] must be 16 character
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Encrypt #
Encrypt a string using AES encryption:

final result = await SecureCompressor.encrypt(data, keyString, ivString: ivString);

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Compress and then encrypt a string:

final result = await SecureCompressor.compressAndEncrypt(data, keyString, ivString: ivString);

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Decrypt #
Decrypt an AES encrypted string:

final result = SecureCompressor.decrypt(encryptedData, keyString, ivString: ivString);

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Decrypt and then uncompress a string:

final result = SecureCompressor.uncompressAndDecrypt(compressedAndEncryptedData, keyString, ivString: ivString);

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Save Data to Local Storage #
Save data to a local file:

SecureCompressor.saveDataToLocal(fileName, data);

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Share Data to Media Platform Device (WA, email, etc) #
Share data to a media platform device:

SecureCompressor.shareFile(fileName, data);

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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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