
Creator: coderz1093

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semibox mobx base utils

Semibox mobx base utils #
This is a package with functions and widgets to make app development faster and more convenient, currently it is developed by one developer.
Support #
1. Base screen #
[BaseScreen] is a base class for all screens in the app. #

It provides some useful methods for screens.
Every screen should extend this class.

class MyHomePage extends BaseScreen {
const MyHomePage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
State<MyHomePage> createState() => _MyHomePageState();
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[BaseScreenState] is a base class for all screen states in the app. #

It provides the [store].
AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin is used to keep the screen alive when the user
navigates to another screen.
It also provides the [initState] method to initialize the [store] instance.
It also provides the [build] method to build the screen.
Every screen state should extend this class.
[BaseScreenState] is a stateful widget.

class _MyHomePageState extends BaseScreenState<MyHomePage, MainStore> {}
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2. Store #
State managements #
/// Clean before updating:
/// flutter packages pub run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs

part 'example_store.g.dart';

class ExampleStore = _ExampleStore with _$ExampleStore;

abstract class _ExampleStore with Store, BaseStoreMixin {
void onInit(BuildContext context) {}

void onDispose() {}
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