semversioner 2.0.5

Creator: bradpython12

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semversioner 2.0.5

The easiest way to manage semantic versioning in your project and generate file automatically.
Semversioner will provide the tooling to automate semver release process for libraries, docker images, etc.
This project was inspired by the way AWS manages their versioning for AWS-cli.
Semantic Versioning
The semantic versioning spec involves several possible variations, but to simplify, in Semversioner we are using the three-part version number:
Constructed with the following guidelines:

Breaking backward compatibility or major features bumps the major (and resets the minor and patch).
New additions without breaking backward compatibility bumps the minor (and resets the patch).
Bug fixes and misc changes bumps the patch.

An example would be 1.0.0
How it works
At any given time, the .semversioner/ directory looks like:
└── next-release
├── minor-20181227010225.json
└── major-20181228010225.json
├── 1.1.0.json
├── 1.1.1.json
├── 1.1.2.json

The release process takes everything in next-release and aggregates them all together in a single JSON file for that release (e.g 1.12.0.json). This
JSON file is a list of all the individual JSON files from next-release.
pip install semversioner

Bumping the version
In your local environment your will use the CLI to create the different changeset files that will be committed with your code. For example:
semversioner add-change --type patch --description "Fix security vulnerability with authentication."

Then, in your CI/CD tool you will need to release (generating automatically version number) and creating the the changelog file.
semversioner release

Generating Changelog
As a part of your CI/CD workflow, you will be able to generate the changelog file with all changes.
semversioner changelog >

You can customize the changelog by creating a template and passing it as parameter to the command. For example:
semversioner changelog --template .semversioner/config/template.j2

The template is using Jinja2, a templating language for Python. For example:
# Changelog
{% for release in releases %}

## {{ release.version }}

{% for change in release.changes %}
- {{ change.type }}: {{ change.description }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Since semversioner 2.0 you can also add custom attributes to the changeset file that will be available in the release template:
semversioner add-change --type patch --description "My custom changelog message with attributes." --attributes pr_id=322 --attributes issue_id=123

Then, you can show the attributes in the changelog template. For example:
# Changelog
Note: version releases in the 0.x.y range may introduce breaking changes.
{% for release in releases %}

## {{ release.version }} (<DATE>)

{% for change in release.changes %}
- {{ change.type }}: {{ change.description }}{{ ' (#' + change.attributes.pr_id + ')' if change.attributes }}{{ ' (J' + change.attributes.issue_id + ')' if change.attributes }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

You can filter the changelog by only showing changes for a specific version:
semversioner changelog --version "1.0.0"

Alternatively, you can use the following command to filter changes by the last released version:
semversioner changelog --version $(semversioner current-version)

Getting next version
As part of the CI/CD workflow, sometimes you want to release dev, rc, or other pre-release packages. For this purpose,
the next-version command can be issued, to compute the next version based on the current change set. This will
not change any files on disk, and they are as such preserved for any future release.
semversioner next-version

Copyright (c) 2023 Raul Gomis.
MIT licensed, see LICENSE file.

Made with ♥ by Raul Gomis <>.
Note: version releases in the 0.x.y range may introduce breaking changes.

patch: move main logic into


patch: Include into package.


patch: Bump jinja2 from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4 to patch CVE-2024-34064.


patch: Bump jinja2 from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3 to fix CVE-2024-22195.


patch: Add documentation for custom attributes in the changelog template.


major: Drop support for Python 3.6 and 3.7 as they are not maintained. Minimum supported version is Python 3.8.
major: Upgrade project third-party dependencies to latest version.
minor: Add support for custom properties in changeset files.
minor: Change deletion logic in next-release folder: only delete json files, and delete the folder only if empty. This will allow to keep the next-release folder if it contains other files such as .gitkeep for example.
minor: Change json mapper to use granurality of seconds instead of milliseconds for created_at field in releases.
patch: Clean up README Markdown syntax.


minor: Validated JSON extension in the folder.
patch: Upgraded development libraries to latest version.


minor: Decreased packaging minimum version requirements to version 21.0


patch: Internal: improve CI/CD workflow


patch: Fix install packaging module to fix module issues.


minor: Fix remove StrictVersion deprecation notice by switching to package.version parse method.
patch: Internal: Support python 3.11 in Github actions.


patch: Fixed CVE-2022-40898 in pypa/wheel (development library).
patch: Update development dependencies to the latest version.


minor: Add support for storing release datetime in order to display it in the changelog.
patch: All tests are now able to be run on Windows
patch: Fix: bug showing incorrect error using release command with no changesets created.


minor: Add CLI command to detect missing changeset files before merging to the destination branch.
minor: Add exception handling support to use Semversioner as a library.
patch: Fix next-version error command color.


minor: Added command next-version, to compute the version of the next release, without actually performing the release


minor: Expose models to use semversioner as a library.
minor: Use models for better encapsulation and code refactoring.


major: Drop support for Python 3.6.
minor: Add type hinting.
minor: Bump click dependency to 8.0.3.
minor: Bump jinja2 dependency to 3.0.3.
patch: Add Python 3.10 testing in the CI/CD process.
patch: Bump importlib_resources dependency to 5.4.0.
patch: Bump pytest dependency to 6.2.5.
patch: Bump twine dependency to 3.7.1.
patch: Bump wheel dependency to 0.37.0.
patch: Remove unnecessary dependency: colorama.
patch: Rename semversioner directory to .semversioner.


minor: Add support for custom changelog template
patch: Fix security vulnerability with jinja2 CVE-2020-28493


minor: Improved performance by supporting multiple changeset files per second
minor: Status command now sorts unreleased changes by type and description in order to display consistent results
patch: Internal code refactor to improve code readability and maintanability


minor: Add '--version' filter to the 'changelog' command to display the changelog only for a specific version


minor: Add new 'status' command to display the state of the working directory and unreleased changes
patch: Fix build and deployment configuration
patch: Refactor method names and code for better code readability and testability


minor: Deprecated .changes directory in favour of .semversioner directory
patch: Internal refactor to improve code quality and test coverage


patch: Fix installer error when referencing to LICENSE file


minor: Enabled autocompletion by default


patch: Improve docs for open source


minor: Fail with error code when no changes are provided in the release command


patch: Fix bug: add require module in


patch: Fix packaging for LICENSE
patch: Improve documentation
patch: Use jinja2 template engine internally to generate the changelog


patch: Update docs


patch: Fix


patch: Fix long description content type


patch: Add file


patch: Fix code consistency


patch: Fix packaging


patch: Tag the repository when releasing


patch: Fix tests and improve coverage


minor: Initial version


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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