
Creator: coderz1093

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Separates list elements by conditionally inserting new elements.
Overview #
This is a handy little package that brings the separate extension method to lists/iterables.
Useful for e.g putting space between children in a Row/Column in flutter, similar to ListView.separated.
It might be the most straightforward way to add gap between elements like in Figma.
Basic usage #
This package operates on lists/iterables so it's very flexible. Here follows some examples specifically for putting gaps between elements in a Column.
See the example for more details.
Fixed spacing #
children: <Widget>[
if (imgUrl != null) Header(url: imgUrl),
if (age != null) Text(age),
].separate((i, e0, e1) => const SizedBox(height: 16)),
// i=index, e0=element before, e1=element after
// Basically: "Separate element e0 and e1 with returned element"
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Dynamic spacing #
children: <Widget>[
if (imgUrl != null) Header(url: imgUrl),
if (age != null) Text(age),
(i, e0, e1) => const SizedBox(
// Increased gap between the header and name
height: e0 is Header ? 24 : 16,
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Before and after #
children: <Widget>[
if (imgUrl != null) Header(url: imgUrl),
if (age != null) Text(age),
// Put nothing between elements
(i, e0, e1) => null,
// Top=32 (only if there are any elements at all)
before: (first) => const SizedBox(height: 32),
// Bottom divider, if last item is the header
after: (last) => last is Header ? const Divider() : null,
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Author #

Martin Sellergren


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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