sg2 2.3.3

Creator: bradpython12

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sg2 2.3.3

Solar Geometry 2
Solar Geometry 2 (SG2) is the second generation of library for computing the relative position of the sun and the earth. Valid over the time period 1980-2100, the algorithm is 20 times faster than the well-know SPA algorithm, with an accuracy order of approx. 0.005°. Reference article: Blanc P. and L. Wald, The SG2 algorithm for a fast and accurate computation of the position of the sun for multi-decadal time period. Solar Energy 88, 3072-3083, 2012, doi: 10.1016/j.solener.2012.07.018.
Solar Geometry 2 is released under LGPLv3.
Python binding
Python installation
We provide wheel binary package that can be installed using pip:
pip install sg2

To compile it see README.linux or
Python usage
see help(sg2)
$ python3
>>> import sg2
>>> help(sg2)


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