
Creator: coderz1093

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shaky animated listview

Shaky_animated_list #

Shaky_animated_list can be used for three main things:

Animate List view scroll.
Animate grid view first view.
Animate grid view scroll.

1. Library over view #
All these animations track your scroll changes on screen or your list first attachment to animated your list items with different transition rules.

Shaking Grid
Scroll list
Scroll Grid

You can define these animation directions Axis by channing your list ScrollDirection.
Shaking Grid #
Shaking grid can be simply implemented by wrapping your grid child by GridAnimatorWidget and that's it we will take it from here ^^
for example you can simply do this to show shaking grey color cards
crossAxisCount: 3,
// shrinkWrap: true,
children: List.generate(9, (i) => GridAnimatorWidget(
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(4),
child: ClipRRect(
borderRadius: const BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(10)),
child: Container(
color: Colors.grey,
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ListView Scroll animations #
ListView Scroll animations will enable your to implement the scroll animations with full control on animations space and duration please don't add vertical margins to your elements, you can use the spaceBetween to give a space between elements and extendedSpaceBetween to control the scroll animations space.
Also you can use duration to control the reverse animations duration based on your needs
for example you can simply do this to show ListView vertical Scroll animations
duration: 100,
extendedSpaceBetween: 30,
children: List.generate(
(index) => Card(
elevation: 50,
margin: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 20),
color: Colors.grey,
child: SizedBox(
height: 300,
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20.0),
child: Column(
children: [
radius: 60,
child: const CircleAvatar(
backgroundImage: NetworkImage(
radius: 50,
const SizedBox(
height: 10,
'Scroll to start',
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 30,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w500,
const SizedBox(
height: 10,
const Text(
'Animated list demo',
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 15,
color: Colors.white,
const SizedBox(
height: 10,
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Grid Scroll animations #
Grid Scroll animations will enable your to implement the scroll animations on a grid view, one little change here is that we will implement the delegate, this is a design issue that we run into so you will have to
to specify your crossAxisCount, crossAxisSpacing, mainAxisSpacing, and duration and we will take it from here,you can use any other default supported parameters in GridView.
for example you can simply do this to show Grid vertical Scroll animations
duration: 100,
crossAxisCount: 2,
mainAxisExtent: 256,
crossAxisSpacing: 8,
mainAxisSpacing: 8,
children: List.generate(
(index) => Card(
elevation: 50,
color: Colors.grey[700],
child: SizedBox(
width: double.infinity,
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20.0),
child: Column(
children: const [
radius: 60,
child: CircleAvatar(
backgroundImage: NetworkImage(
radius: 50,

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ListView horizontal Scroll animations #
if you want to add a horizontal animations, all what you have to do is to add a scroll direction to the widget and that's it
for example you can simply do this to show ListView horizontal Scroll animations
duration: 100,
scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,
children: List.generate(
(index) => const Card(
elevation: 50,
margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 10),
color: Colors.grey,
child: SizedBox(
height: 300,
width: 200,
copied to clipboard

Sample source code #
Example for all cases

Contribute #
Let's develop with collaborations. We would love to have contributions by raising issues and opening PRs. Filing an issue before PR is must.
License #
Project is published under the Apache 2.0 license. Feel free to clone and modify repo as you want, but don't forget to add reference to authors :)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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