
Creator: coderz1093

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shelf router macro

shelf_router_macro #

🚧 Experimental support for shelf_router
using macros.
🌟 Features #

✨ Route declarations
✨ Route parameters
✨ Async routes
✨ Lightweight - no additional dependencies beyond shelf_router
🖊️ In Progress Intuitive - custom return types
🖊️ In Progress Minimalistic - no need to specify Request/Response, just return response

🧑‍💻 Examples #
import 'package:data_class_macro/data_class_macro.dart';

class GreetingController {
Future<String> wave() async {
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
return '_o/';
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import 'package:json/json.dart';
import 'package:data_class_macro/data_class_macro.dart';

class Pong {
Pong({required this.uid});

final String uid;

class PingController {
Future<Pong> ping(String uid) async {
return Pong(uid: uid);
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🚀 Quick Start #

This package requires Dart SDK >=

Download Dart from dev or master channel

Dart SDK archive
dvm: Dart Version Manager
Alternatively, you can simply switch to flutter master channel:

$ flutter channel master
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Add package:shelf_router_macro to your pubspec.yaml
$ dart pub add shelf_router_macro
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Enable experimental macros in analysis_options.yaml
- macros
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Use annotations provided by this library (see above example).

Run it
$ dart --enable-experiment=macros run lib/main.dart
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🙌 Hands-on guide #
Defining routes: #
All routes should be declared as part of a class annotated with @Controller():
class SomeController {
String health() => 'ok';
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Customizing response: #
Return shelf's Response:
String health() => Response.ok(
headers: { 'X-Test': 'test' },
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Accessing request details: #
Include shelf's Request in method signature:
String test(Request r) => 'Headers: ${r.headers}';
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TODO: add remaining examples.I've yet to decide on the format, I have to think about it some more.


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