shell-history-analysis 0.1.3

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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shellhistoryanalysis 0.1.3

# Get the history file
$ history > history.txt

# Install
$ pip install shell_history_analysis

# You have to know which shell you have
# This is important, because the `history` command has different outputs in
# different shells.
# Fish shell has only the command itself as an output.
$ shell_history_analysis history.txt --shell=zsh
Assumed shell: zsh
Grouping filepath: /home/moose/GitHub/shell-history-analysis/shell_history_analysis/grouping.yaml

CLI Utils 2731
git 2498
Python 1536
Editor(s) 905
System Package Manager 271
Dev-Tools 203
Docker 187
System Management 160
mutmut 153
CLI Programs 88
pipenv 53
clana 43
conda 36
exercism 33
7z 21
hwrt 21
Shell Scripting 21
pandoc 21
gzip 20
Name: base_command, dtype: int64
Writing image to /home/moose/history.png

Grouping and Anonymization
You can provide a grouping.yaml file to group commands together. The default
is the following:
'CLI Programs':
- aspell
- ffmpeg
- ffprobe
- dot
- neato
- fdp
- circo
- convert
- md5sum
- curl
- wget
- jq
- netstat
'CLI Utils':
- mv
- cd
- ..
- ...
- ls
- rm
- grep
- cat
- cp
- mkdir
- head
- tail
- chmod
- chown
- watch
- open
- xdg-open
- file
- history
- tree
- touch
- find
- locate
- ping
- man
- ln
- wc
- df
- du
- pwd
- ll
- mysql
- psql
- make
- meld
- diff
- cookiecutter
- cloc
- docker
- docker-compose
- sublime
- subl
- vim
- vi
- spyder
- spyder3
- nano
- mvn
- java
- javac
- npm
- node
- ntl
- yarn
- nvm
- lerna
- az
- aws
- pdflatex
- tlmgr
- python
- python2
- python3
- pip
- pip2
- pip3
- virtualenv
- venv
- black
- isort
- pylint
- mypy
- pytest
- flask
- pyenv
- coverage
- tox
- flake8
- twine
- pydocstyle
- pip-compile
- pylama
- pybabel
- pep8
- piprot
- jupyter
- alembic
- scp
- ssh
- ssh-keygen
- cargo
'Shell Scripting':
- for
- date
'System Management':
- kill
- killall
- echo
- export
- env
- ps
- top
- htop
- atop
- systemctl
- sysctl
- ip
- ifconfig
- which
- sysbench
- service
- dmesg
'System Package Manager':
- apt
- apt-get
- apt-cache
- update-alternatives
- dpkg
- add-apt-repository
- brew
- mas
'Web Development':
- ab
- http
- ng
- git
- git-fame


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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