shotfirst 0.12.3

Creator: bradpython12

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shotfirst 0.12.3

This is just a very simple inotify monitor for “dropbox” style folders. What it
does is you give it a JSON config file and some directories and it will go and
find all the files in the directories and execute shutil operations on them
(by default copy2 which means the file is copied along with the metadata)
to the configured location.


Option 1: Clone this repo and pip install . (bleeding edge)
Option 2: Run pip install shotfirst (released)

With the following configuration file shotfirst.json:
"image/jpeg, image/gif, image/png": {
"mask": "%Y/%m/%d",
"target": "/tmp/foo/pics",
"handler": "shotfirst.handlers.exif_image_handler"
"video/webm": {
"target": "/tmp/foo/videos",
"operation": "move",
"mask": "%Y/%m/%d",
"handler": "shotfirst.handlers.video_handler"
"application/pdf": {
"target": "/tmp/foo/docs",
"operation": "movereplace",
"handler": "shotfirst.handlers.pdf_handler",
"mask": "%Y/%m"
shotfirst shotfirst.json /tmp/inbox will:

Monitor the /tmp/inbox folder for files
Copy all GIF, JPEG, and PNG images found to a directory /tmp/foo/pics
and use the EXIF metadata from the image to figure out the sub-folder
structure (which is year/month/day)
Move all the WebM videos to a directory named /tmp/foo/videos based on
the video metadata, if available. Otherwise will fall back to the file
system meta data.
Copy all PDF files to a directory /tmp/foo/docs based on the PDF
metadata if available. If the file was somehow imported previously,
overwrite with the newly discovered file

Running in a container
There’s a published container image, to run you will have to mount your
configuration file and your input and output folders, for example:
podman run --rm -it -v `pwd`/myconfig:/etc/shotfirst.json -v `pwd`/input:/inbox:rw -v `pwd`/output:/outbox:rw thekad/shotfirst:latest
And adjust your configuration appropriately to output the files to
subdirectories under /outbox.

Write permissions on the monitored volumes is only needed if you will be
moving files instead of just copying

If you want to monitor multiple directories, you can mount them as volumes and
then set the SDIRS environment variable, like this:
podman run --rm -it -v /opt/dropbox1:/inbox1 -v /opt/dropbox2:/inbox2 -e SDIRS="/inbox1 /inbox2" thekad/shotfirst:latest


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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