
Creator: coderz1093

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side effect bloc

Extended bloc with a separate stream for events that should be consumed only once.
A separate thread allows you to separate events related to navigation a toast/snackbar message, for example, from the state of the bloc.
Usage #
Declare bloc #
Adding mixin to existing bloc
class FeatureBloc extends Bloc<FeatureEvent, FeatureState>
with SideEffectBlocMixin<FeatureEvent, FeatureState, FeatureSideEffect> {
FeatureBloc() : super(FeatureState.initial());
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Inherit from bloc
class FeatureBloc extends SideEffectBloc<FeatureEvent, FeatureState, FeatureSideEffect>{
FeatureBloc() : super(FeatureState.initial());
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Emit side effect #
class FeatureBloc extends SideEffectBloc<FeatureEvent, FeatureState, FeatureSideEffect>{
FeatureBloc() : super(FeatureState.initial()){
(event, emit) {
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Listen side effect #
// feature_view.dart
BlocSideEffectListener<FeatureBloc, FeatureSideEffect>(
listener: (BuildContext context, FeatureSideEffect sideEffect) {
goToNext: () => Navigator.of(context).pushNamed("/sub"),
openSnackbar: () {
const snackBar = SnackBar(
content: Text('Yay! A SnackBar!'),
child: ...
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