
Creator: coderz1093

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side effect cubit test

side_effect_cubit_test #
This package facilitates testing blocs that produce side effects, as introduced in the side_effect_cubit package.
It heavily inherits from bloc_test, adding features that allow you to expect side effects to be emitted.
The Problem: Testing side effects without side_effect_cubit_test #
Traditionally, testing side effects in a Bloc involved a cumbersome process. Developers had to:

Manually Collect Side Effects: Create a list to store the emitted side effects.
Subscribe to the Side Effect Stream: Establish a StreamSubscription to listen for side effect events.
Append Side Effects to the List: Add received side effects to the previously created list during the build step of the test.
Assert Side Effects: Verify the contents of the side effect list within the verify step.
Clean Up: Cancel the StreamSubscription in the tearDown step.

final receivedEffects = <RarOnboardingSideEffect>[];
StreamSubscription? effectSub;

blocTest<RarOnboardingBloc, RarOnboardingState>(
"should produce RarOnboardingEkycInitFailure when init ekyc plugin fail",
setUp: () {
when(() => rarRepository.getFaceAuthenConfig()).thenAnswer((_) async => FaceAuthenService.defaultConfig);
when(() => ekycPlugin.initialize(any())).thenAnswer((_) async => EKYCFailure());
build: () {
effectSub = bloc.sideEffects.asBroadcastStream().listen(receivedEffects.add);

return bloc;
act: (bloc) async => bloc.initConfig(),
verify: (bloc) {
expect(receivedEffects, [isA<RarOnboardingEkycInitFailure>()]);

tearDown: () => effectSub?.cancel()
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This approach introduces redundancy and makes test code verbose, especially when multiple test cases require side effect verification.
The Solution: side_effect_cubit_test #
side_effect_cubit_test provides a more concise and efficient method for testing side effects in Blocs. It leverages the existing bloc_test package and introduces the following key improvement:

Simplified Side Effect Expectation: The expectSideEffects function allows you to specify the expected side effects directly within the test setup. This eliminates the need for manual side effect collection, subscription management, and individual verification steps.

sideEffectBlocTest<RarOnboardingBloc, RarOnboardingState, RarOnboardingSideEffect>(
"should produce RarOnboardingEkycInitFailure when init ekyc plugin fail",
setUp: () {
when(() => rarRepository.getFaceAuthenConfig()).thenAnswer((_) async => FaceAuthenService.defaultConfig);
when(() => ekycPlugin.initialize(any())).thenAnswer((_) async => EKYCFailure());
build: () => bloc,
act: (bloc) async => bloc.initConfig(),
expectSideEffects: () => [isA<RarOnboardingEkycInitFailure>()],
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