
Creator: coderz1093

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sidekick vault

Sidekick Vault #
A place to store project secrets within a git repository, encrypted with GPG
Install the plugin #
Installing the vault is quite easy. Just run the following command in your project:
<<your_cli>> sidekick plugins install sidekick_vault
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Manage vault with VaultCommand #
Add file to vault #
<cli-name> vault encrypt path/to/secret.csv
copied to clipboard
<cli-name> vault encrypt --passphrase="****" --vault-location="secret.txt.gpg" path/to/secret.txt
copied to clipboard
The passphrase is optional.
It will be retrieved from the environment variables or asked via stdin.
The file will be saved at vault-location (optional) inside the vault directory.
The filename (secret.txt) will be used as fallback.
Decrypt file in vault #
<cli-name> vault encrypt secret.csv.gpg
copied to clipboard
<cli-name> vault decrypt --passphrase="****" --output="write/to/decrypted.txt" secret.txt.gpg';
copied to clipboard
The passphrase is optional.
It will be retrieved from the environment variables or asked via stdin.
output is optional.
The decrypted file will be saved in the vault next to the encrypted one (without .gpg ending).
Change vault password #
<cli-name> vault change-password
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<cli-name> vault change-password --old ***** --new *****
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Use the old and new arguments to pass the old and new password.
Without the arguments, you can enter the passwords via stdin.
Manually add/read items in vault via gpg #
Add file to vault #
gpg --symmetric --cipher-algo AES256 --batch --passphrase=$password <file>
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Decrypt file from vault #
gpg --quiet --batch --yes --decrypt --passphrase=$password --output=<file> <file.gpg>
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Read secrets in code #
Create a vault in your sidekick cli and read the password
import 'package:sidekick_core/sidekick_core.dart';
import 'package:sidekick_vault/sidekick_vault.dart';

void main() {
final vault = SidekickVault(
// environment variable where CIs can inject the vault password
environmentVariableName: 'FLT_VAULT_PASSPHRASE',

final secret = vault.loadText('secret.txt');

// Use secret on your CI to do magic things
copied to clipboard


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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