simmetrica 1.0.2

Creator: bradpython12

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simmetrica 1.0.2

[![Build Status](]( (simple-metric-aggregator)Simmetrica is a lightweight framework for collecting and aggregating event metrics as timeseries data. It also comes with beautiful customizable dashboard for visualizing metrics with charts.![preview](* Python 2.6 or greater* Redis ServerMost of the current Linux distributions (also Mac OS X) comes with Python installed default. Simmetrica also uses `redis` for storing data, you can install `redis-server` with your favorite package manager.###Installing git clone git:// cd simmetrica pip install -r requirements.txt**You need to run `redis-server` before pushing events and querying stored data.**###How to feed dataWe will use `push` method for notifying our events, it has 3 parameters:First parameter is `event`, which is canonical name of your input data. You'll use this name when querying data and configuring dashboard. Second is `increment`, this optional argument is useful for overriding event count for submitting multiple events in a single operation. Last parameter `now` is defaults to current Unix timestamp, lets you to specify when event occurs.###How to query dataTo aggreagate stored data, we will use `query` method, it has 4 parameters:First one is `event`, as you guessed, we already used this value for feeding our data. `start` and `end` parameters take Unix timestamp for specifying interval of time-series. This parameters are mandatory. Last parameter `resolution` is used for defining the resolution / granularity of data. This is an optional parameter and it defaults to `5min` (five minutes). Possible values are `min`, `5min`, `15min`, `hour`, `day`, `week`, `month` and `year`.###Using library#####Feeding >>> from simmetrica import Simmetrica >>> simmetrica = Simmetrica() >>> simmetrica.push('add-cart-action') [1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L]Overriding default parameters: >>> simmetrica.push('nginx-connections-received-5min', increment=5, now=1364298120)#####Querying >>> start = simmetrica.get_current_timestamp() - 600 >>> end = simmetrica.get_current_timestamp() >>> results = simmetrica.query('add-cart-action', start, end, 'min') >>> for time, val in results: ... print time, val ... 1364297940 0 1364298000 0 1364298060 0 1364298120 0 1364298180 0 1364298240 0 1364298300 0 1364298360 0 1364298420 0 1364298480 1 1364298540 2###Using command-line#####Feeding ➜ python push add-cart-action okOverriding default parameters: ➜ python push nginx-connections-received-5min --increment=5 --now=1364298120#####Querying ➜ python query add-cart-action 1364297990 1364298608 --resolution=min 1364297940 0 1364298000 0 1364298060 0 1364298120 0 1364298180 0 1364298240 0 1364298300 0 1364298360 0 1364298420 0 1364298480 1 1364298540 2Beautify with [spark]( ➜ python query add-cart-action 1364297990 1364298608 --resolution=min | awk '{print $2}' | spark ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▄█###Using REST#####FeedingAfter running `` ➜ curl okOverriding default parameters: ➜ curl ➜ curl "" | python -mjson.tool { "1364297940": 0, "1364298000": 0, "1364298060": 0, "1364298120": 0, "1364298180": 0, "1364298240": 0, "1364298300": 0, "1364298360": 0, "1364298420": 0, "1364298480": "1", "1364298540": "2" }###Overriding redis connection parametersAs default Simmetrica connects to Redis on `` with database `0`.#####In library >>> from simmetrica import Simmetrica >>> simmetrica = Simmetrica(host='', port=7000, db=16, password=qwerty)#####In commandline and REST`redis_host`, `redis_port`, `redis_db` and `redis_password` parameters can be passed as commandline arguments in `` and ``. ➜ python ... --redis_host= --redis_port=7000 --redis_db=16 --redis_password=qwerty###Dashboard#####Running web application ➜ python * Running on, you can see your shiny dashboard with pointing your browser to ``.Optionally a custom config file can be specified with the `--config` flag. ➜ python --config myConfig.yml#####Configuring dashboard blocksDashboard is configured with `config.yml` file, this file has a yaml list called `graphs`. Graph widgets are rendered with lovely [rickshaw]( (HTML5 + SVG and d3.js) library. graphs: - graph definition - events - graph definition - events##### Explanation of configuration parametersTypical graph block looks like this: - title: Title (mandatory) timespan: [10 minute, 3 hour, 2 day, 6 week, 1 month or whatever] colorscheme: [classic9, colorwheel, cool, munin, spectrum14, spectrum2000, spectrum2001] type: [area, stack, bar, line, scatterplot] interpolation: [linear, step-after, cardinal, basis] resolution: [min, 5min, 15min, hour, day, week, month, year] size: [S, M, L, XL] offset: [zero, wiggle, expand, value] events: - name: event_name (mandatory) title: Event TitleHere are the explanations:**title**Title of graph block.Optional: No**timespan**How many timespan of data will shown in graph.Possible values: `(NUMBER minute|hour|day|week|month|year)`Optional: YesDefault: `1 day`**colorscheme**Colorscheme of graph parts.Possible values: `classic9`, `colorwheel`, `cool`, `munin`, `spectrum14`, `spectrum2000` and `spectrum2001`Optional: YesDefault: `colorwheel`**type**Type of graph.Possible values: `area`, `stack`, `bar`, `line` and `scatterplot`Optional: YesDefault: `area`**interpolation**Line smoothing / interpolation method of graphs.Possible values: `linear`, `step-after`, `cardinal` and `basis`Optional: YesDefault: `cardinal`**resolution**Resolution of values.Possible values: `min`, `5min`, `15min`, `hour`, `day`, `week`, `month`, `year`Optional: YesDefault: `5min`**size**Size of graph.Possible values: `S`, `M`, `L` and `XL`Optional: YesDefault: `M`**offset**Graph offset base.Possible values: `zero`, `wiggle`, `expand` and `value`Optional: YesDefault: `value`**events**Every graph must have at least one graph definition for rendering. Events have 2 values called `name`, and `title`.**name**This is the name of event, must be given.**title**Title of event, this will be shown in legend and not a mandatory value.###ContributingI just created this project for learning some Python. Please help me to make it better!###LicenseCopyright (c) 2013 Osman UngurPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copyof this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to dealin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rightsto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sellcopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnishedto do so, subject to the following conditions:The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in allcopies or substantial portions of the Software.THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS ORIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THEAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHERLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS INTHE SOFTWARE.


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