
Creator: coderz1093

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simple auth flutter login fix

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Most apps need to make API calls. Every API needs authentication, yet no developer wants to deal with authentication. Simple Auth embeds authentication into the API so you dont need to deal with it.
This is a Flutter adapter for the port of Clancey.SimpleAuth to Dart, (simple_auth)[]
The network/api part including the generator was based off of Chopper by Hadrien Lejard
Providers #
Current Built in Providers #

Azure Active Directory
Linked In
Microsoft Live Connect
And of course any standard OAuth2/Basic Auth server.

Usage #
var api = new simpleAuth.GoogleApi(
"google", "client_id",clientSecret: "clientSecret",
scopes: [
var request = new Request(HttpMethod.Get, "");
var userInfo = await api.send<UserInfo>(request);
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That's it! If the user is not logged in, they will automatically be prompted. If their credentials are cached from a previous session, the api call proceeds! Expired tokens even automatically refresh.
Flutter Setup #
Import package:simple_auth/simple_auth.dart and package:simple_auth_flutter/simple_auth_flutter.dart
Call SimpleAuthFlutter.init(); in your Main.Dart. Now simple_auth can automatically present your login UI.
Redirect #
Google requires the following redirect: com.googleusercontent.apps.YOUR_CLIENT_ID
Simple Auth by default uses SFSafari on iOS and Chrome Tabs on Android.
This means normal http redirects cannot work. You will need to register a custom scheme for your app as a redirect. For most providers, you can create whatever you want. i.e.
Android Manifest #
you would then add the following to your Android manifest
<activity android:name="clancey.simpleauth.simpleauthflutter.SimpleAuthCallbackActivity" >
<intent-filter android:label="simple_auth">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<data android:scheme="" />
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iOS #
on iOS you need the following in your app delegate.
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation{
return [SimpleAuthFlutterPlugin checkUrl:url];

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For iOS 11 and higher, you don't need to do anything else. On older iOS versions the following is required in the info.plist

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Note, if you want to avoid Apples mandatory user consent dialog

"foo" Wants to use "" to Sign In

This allows the app and website to share information about you.

add the lines above and set FooAuthenticator.useSSO = false; which will not use SFAuthenticationSession. This is the default behavior for the Keycloak provider.
Serialization #
Json objects will automatically serialize if you conform to JsonSerializable
If you use the generator and you objects have the factory factory JsonSerializable.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) your api calls will automatically Serialize/Deserialize
Or you can pass your own Converter to the api and handle conversion yourself.
Generator #
Dart #
pub run build_runner build
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flutter #
flutter packages pub run build_runner build
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Add the following to your pubspec.yaml
build_runner: ^0.8.0
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The Generator is not required, however it will make things magical.
@GoogleApiDeclaration("GoogleTestApi","client_id",clientSecret: "client_secret", scopes: ["TestScope", "Scope2"])
abstract class GoogleTestDefinition {
@Get(url: "")
Future<Response<GoogleUser>> getCurrentUserInfo();

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will generate a new Api for you that is easy to use!
var api = new GoogleTestApi("google");
var user = await api.getCurrentUserInfo();
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For more examples, check out the example project
Contributor #

Thanks for the logo made by @iqbalhood


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