
Creator: coderz1093

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simple 3d

simple_3d #
(en)Japanese ver is here.
Overview #
This package is a working Flutter(Dart) implementation of Simple 3D Format.
Simple 3D Format is a file format that makes it easy for non-experts to handle 3D objects.
The file output in this format has the extension .sp3d, and the inner class convert to JSON. All the data about one object is contained in one file.
This specification aims to minimize complexity, make it easier to read in a text editor, and make it versatile.
Made for science, it can be difficult to use in other genres.
For the development of science, I aim to be able to use it without being affected by interests and conflicts.
Usage #
Quick Start #
I created a package for rendering Sp3dObj.
You can use it more easily by using the following packages.
See the simple_3d_renderer package for how to use it.
If you want to implement Undo/Redo functionality in an app that directly edits Sp3dObj,
you can use the following package.
Although this is a very experimental project, there are also packages for converting from other 3D formats.
However, this package is intended for scientific use and only minimal compatibility is supported due to differences in functionality with other 3D formats.
Create Data #
final sp3dObj = Sp3dObj(
[Sp3dV3D(0, 0, 0)],
Sp3dFace([0], 0)
isParticle: true,
r: 1)
Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 255, 0),
Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 255, 0),
copied to clipboard
Operation example #
// Move
// Rotate
// Vertex manipulation
// You can do many other things with the Sp3dV3D feature.
sp3dObj.vertices[0] += Sp3dV3D(1,0,0);
copied to clipboard
Convert #
final sp3dObjDict = sp3dObj.toDict();
copied to clipboard
Load #
final restored = Sp3dObj.fromDict(sp3dObjDict);
copied to clipboard
Support #
If you need paid support for any reason, please contact my company.
This package is developed by me personally, but may be supported via the company.
SimpleAppli Inc.
Format Name #
Simple 3D Format
Filename Extension #
MIME Type ( Temporary ) #
Suitable #
Science(For example, physical calculation), Simple Games, etc.
Not Suitable #
Advanced graphics.
Structure ( Decoded object ) #


vertices: List

v: Sp3dV3D

fragments: List

fragment: Sp3dFragment

faces: List, The definition of the face. Represents a triangular or square mesh.

face: Sp3dFace

vertexIndexList: List, Vertices index. Counterclockwise rotation from the upper left.

index: int

materialIndex: int?

isParticle: bool.
r: double, Radius for particle type.
physics: Sp3dPhysics?
isTouchable: bool, If false, rendered this fragment will be excluded from touche calculation.
name: String?, The fragment name.
option: Map<String, dynamic>?, Optional attributes that may be added for each app. However, only parameters that can be converted to JSON can be entered.

materials: List

material: Sp3dMaterial

bg: Color, argb.
isFill: bool, if false, stroke line only.
strokeWidth: double
strokeColor: Color, argb
imageIndex: int?, Fills the face with the specified image, which is not null.
textureCoordinates: List?, Cutout coordinates when you want to use a part of the image. 3 or 6 points(In the case of a square, specify it with two triangles).
name: String?, The material name.
option: Map<String, dynamic>?, Optional attributes that may be added for each app. However, only parameters that can be converted to JSON can be entered.

images: list

image: Uint8List, png data.

id: String?
name: String?
author: String?
physics: Sp3dPhysics?

mass: double?, (kg). However, the unit should be changed for the calculation of atoms etc.
speed: double?, (m/s). However, the unit should be changed for the calculation of atoms etc.
direction: Sp3dV3D?, Unit vector.
velocity: Sp3dV3D?, Use for move.
rotateAxis: Sp3dV3D?
angularVelocity: double?, (rad/s).
angle: double?, rad.
name: String?, Name of the action.
others: Map<String, dynamic>?, If you want to use other parameters, add here To do.

option: Map<String, dynamic>?, Optional attributes that may be added for each app. However, only parameters that can be converted to JSON can be entered.
layerNum: int, Drawing priority in the depth direction that is enabled for rendering software. Layers with smaller numbers are drawn first.
drawMode: enum, Enum for specifying the mode in which the Sp3dObj is drawn by the renderer.

Parameter Note #
If you use Sp3dObj to calculate a large number of atoms, consider using the isParticle flag and r(radius).
Each atom has one vertex when calculated or saved, and you can draw a sphere using UtilSp3dGeometry etc. only when drawing on the screen.
(That is, create a new Sp3dObj when drawing).
About version control #
It is as follows in version 3.1.0 or later.
The C part will be changed at the time of version upgrade.

Changes such as adding variables, structure change that cause problems when reading previous files.


Adding methods, etc.


Minor changes and bug fixes.


License #
This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE file.
Copyright notice #
The “Dart” name and “Flutter” name are trademarks of Google LLC.
*The developer of this package is not Google LLC.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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