
Creator: coderz1093

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simple flag toggle

A simple flag toggle that can be placed anywhere on your application, ideal for internationalization (i18n).

Simple toggle for country/region flags

Features #
378 flags to choose (credits to this project).
Nice rolling animation during toogle (credits to this project).
Platform support #

Simple Flag Toggle


Getting started #


// Defines the flags you want to use
static final List<String> flagList = ["us", "br", "ca"];

// Receives the flag list, the initial index and a callback function that will be executed once the toggle has changed.
FlagBar myToggle = FlagBar(
flagList: flagList,
initialIndex: 0,
onChanged: (index) {
print("Toggle changed to: index = $index and value = ${flagList[index]}");
copied to clipboard

I18n (example using easy_localization)

Locale _getLocale(int index) {
switch (index) {
case 0:
return const Locale('pt', 'BR');
case 1:
return const Locale('en', 'US');

FlagBar myToggle = FlagBar(
flagList: const ["br", "us"],
initialIndex: context.supportedLocales.indexOf(context.locale),
onChanged: (index) {
Locale locale = _getLocale(index);
copied to clipboard
For more details, see the example section.
Parameters #

flagList: The list of flags to be used, each flag is a string.
initialIndex: The initial index of the flag list. The default is 0 (first flag on the left).
onChanged: Defines the callback function to be called when the toggle changes state. The [index] variable is the index of the flag list.

Caveats #

Soon it will be possible to customize other parameters, like the color (for now is always "Theme.of(context).primaryColor").

Contributing #
You can contribute in many ways:

Fell free to open issues and report bugs.
Pull requests are welcome!
English is not my native language, if you find any errors in this documentation then please let me know.
You can buy me a coffee!


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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