
Creator: coderz1093

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simple pdf viewer

simple_pdf_viewer #
A very simple flutter plugin project. Just show pdf from remote url on android/ios, support embedded widget.
Features #
On Android, first it use okhttp to download file to cache folder, then use built on AndroidPdfViewer to load file on local.
On IOS, it just use embedded webview to load url.
Note #
Add this to ios/Runner/info.plist to support embedded widget
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If your pdf url is http not https, add this to
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Add follow to android/app/build.gradle
release {
ndk {
abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86"
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If you have some android compile error about android support-v4 or AndroidX. It may caused by android webview plugin, we could remove the plugin to fix.

add this config to android/app/build.gradle top level

all*.exclude module: "webview_flutter"
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create dir io.flutter.plugins.webviewflutter, create file with follow content

package io.flutter.plugins.webviewflutter;

import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry;

public class WebViewFlutterPlugin {
public static void registerWith(PluginRegistry.Registrar registrar) {
//Do nothing

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Install #
simple_pdf_viewer: ^0.2.1
License: Apache 2.0
Thanks #


Screenshot #


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