
Creator: coderz1093

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simple shared pref

SimpleSharedPref #
SimpleSharedPref is a Flutter package that provides easy access to shared preferences.
It follows the singleton design pattern, allowing you to conveniently store and retrieve
data in shared preferences. It also supports optional encryption and decryption of sensitive data using the CryptoModule class.
Installation #
Add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:
simple_shared_pref: ^2.0.0
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Usage #
Import the package and the SimpleSharedPref class in your Dart file:
import 'package:simple_shared_pref/simple_shared_pref.dart';
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Create an instance of SimpleSharedPref:
SimpleSharedPref sharedPref = SimpleSharedPref();
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Initialize the shared preferences by calling the init method.
It's recommended to do this in the main function or at the start of your application:
void main()

async {
await sharedPref.init();
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Storing and Retrieving Values #
You can store and retrieve various types of values in shared preferences:
// Store an integer value
sharedPref.setValue < int > ('counter', 10 );

// Retrieve the integer value
int ? counterValue = sharedPref.getValue < int > ('counter');

// Store a string value
sharedPref.setValue <String> ('username', 'JohnDoe' );

// Retrieve the string value
String ? username = sharedPref.getValue <String> ('username');

// Store a boolean value
sharedPref.setValue <bool> ('isLoggedIn', true );

// Retrieve the boolean value
bool ? isLoggedIn = sharedPref.getValue <bool> ('isLoggedIn');
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Removing a Value #
To remove a value from shared preferences, you can use the removeValue method:

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Checking if a Value Exists #
You can check if a value exists in shared preferences using the containsKey method:

bool isUsernameStored = sharedPref.containsKey('username');

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Clearing Shared Preferences #
To clear all values stored in shared preferences, use the clear method:


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Contributing #
Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements,
please create an issue or submit a pull request on
the GitHub repository .
License #
This package is released under the MIT License. See
the LICENSE file for more


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