
Creator: coderz1093

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simplest service locator

simplest_service_locator #
simplest_service_locator is a lightweight and straightforward service locator for Dart, providing singleton, lazy singleton, and factory registration capabilities.
Features #

Register and retrieve singletons, lazy singletons, and factory instances.
Simple API for managing dependencies.
Ensures only one instance of each service is registered.

Installation #
Add simplest_service_locator to your pubspec.yaml file:
simplest_service_locator: latest
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Then, run pub get to install the package.
Usage #
Import the library:
import 'package:simplest_service_locator/simplest_service_locator.dart';
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Example #
void main() {
final serviceLocator = SimplestServiceLocator.instance();

// Register a singleton

// Register a lazy singleton
serviceLocator.registerLazySingleton<MyLazyService>(() => MyLazyService());

// Register a factory
serviceLocator.registerFactory<MyFactoryService>(() => MyFactoryService());

// Retrieve the singleton instance
final myService = serviceLocator.get<MyService>();

// Retrieve the lazy singleton instance
final myLazyService = serviceLocator.get<MyLazyService>();

// Retrieve a new instance from the factory
final myFactoryService = serviceLocator.get<MyFactoryService>();

// Clear all registered services
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SimplestServiceLocator #

factory SimplestServiceLocator.instance(): Returns the singleton instance of SimplestServiceLocator. Creates a new instance if none exists.

bool isRegistered<T extends Object>(): Checks if a service of type T is registered.

void registerSingleton<T extends Object>(T instance): Registers a singleton instance of type T.

Throws ServiceAlreadyRegisteredException if a service of type T is already registered.

void registerLazySingleton<T extends Object>(T Function() factory): Registers a lazy singleton instance of type T, created by the provided factory function.

void registerFactory<T extends Object>(T Function() factory): Registers a factory function for creating instances of type T.

T get<T extends Object>(): Retrieves the registered service of type T. If the service is a factory or a lazy singleton, it invokes the factory to create the instance.

Throws ServiceNotRegisteredException if no service of type T is registered.

void clear(): Clears all registered services.

Exceptions #
ServiceAlreadyRegisteredException #
Thrown when trying to register a service that is already registered.
ServiceNotRegisteredException #
Thrown when trying to retrieve a service that is not registered.


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