
Creator: coderz1093

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simply injector

Simply Injector #
Simply Injector is a dart package inspired and based on Simple Injector library.
It is an easy-to-use dependency injection (DI) library and is easily integrated with Flutter.
It’s easy to implement the dependency injection pattern with
loosely coupled components using Simply Injector Dart Package.
Configuration #
Add simply_injector to pubspec.yaml under the dependencies field.
simply_injector: ^2.0.0
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Import #
Add the following import in your library :
import 'package:simply_injector/simply_injector.dart';
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Usage #
Simply Injector's main type is the Container. An instance of Container is used to
register mappings between each abstraction (service) and its corresponding implementation (component).
Tip: You should typically create a single Container instance for the whole application (one instance per app domain).
It's possible create an instance of Container by some ways:
var container = new Container();
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or using a library prefix to avoid conflict with Flutter's Container class:
import 'package:simply_injector/simply_injector.dart' as si;
si.Container container = new si.Container();
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The first way it's so much elegantly ;)
Example #
This is the main source of complete example project at Simply Injector GitHub repository:
import 'package:simply_injector/simply_injector.dart';

import 'CancelOrder.dart';
import 'CancelOrderHandler.dart';
import 'EventPublisher.dart';
import 'FileLogger.dart';
import 'Guid.dart';
import 'IEventPublisher.dart';
import 'ILogger.dart';
import 'IOrderRepository.dart';
import 'OrderRepositoryInMemory.dart';

// 1. Create a new Simple Injector container
var container = Container();

// 2. Configure the container (register)
container.register<IOrderRepository, SqlOrderRepository>( () => SqlOrderRepository(container.get<ILogger>()));
container.register<ILogger, FileLogger>( () => FileLogger(), Lifestyle.Singleton );
container.register<IEventPublisher, EventPublisher>( () => EventPublisher(), Lifestyle.Singleton );

container.register<CancelOrderHandler, CancelOrderHandler>(()
=> CancelOrderHandler(

// 3. Verify your configuration

// 4. Use the container
var handler = container.getInstance<CancelOrderHandler>();

var args = ['0123456789'];
var orderId = Guid.Parse(args[0]);
var command = CancelOrder(orderId);

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