
Creator: coderz1093

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simprokcore #
Problem #
As you know, simprokmachine automates all the communication between your applcation's components. But what are those components? There is still a necessity of coming up with an architecture every time the app is created or expanded.
Solution #
simprokcore is a template that removes all headache of designing your application's architecture by providing a simple API that encourages you to separate an application's logic properly.
Architecture #
The architecture we encourage using is a state machine with multiple subscribers called "layers".

The storage machine of the application's state stands as a single source of truth and all other layers update their state according to it.
How to use #

Code global state type.
Code your layers:

Code layer's state type.
Code layer's event type.
Code layer's mapper from global state to layer state.
Code layer's global state reducer.
Code layer's machine hierarchy.
Unite everything above in a class that inherits from MachineLayerType.

Call runRootCore() method in your main.dart.

Example #
Check out this sample with a small counter app for a better understanding of the framework's main functions as well as wiki for API reference.
Usage tips #

Separate layers based on the APIs and libraries usage.
Divide the global state into sub states for each feature.
Do not overload the global state with the behavior that should not be shared between layers.
Before coding your layer's machine hierarchy - focus on the mapper and the reducer.

Benefits #

All the benefits of simprokmachine's package.
Lack of necessity to spend time designing your application's architecture.
Fixed development algorithm.
Layers depend on the state storage, but the storage never depends on anything as well as layers never depend on each other's implementation.
Layers are fully interchangeable. You can easily add, remove, or replace any layer from one place of your application.
Cross-platform. Kotlin and iOS supported.

Installation #
Add the line into pubspec.yaml:
simprokcore: ^1.1.7
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Now in your Dart code, you can use:
import 'package:simprokcore/simprokcore.dart';
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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